question about lighting and plants per light!


need some opinions on this. is there a right amount of plants to have per light? like 6, 8, or 10? some info on my room is that i currently have 30 plants with 3 1000 watt HPS bulbs. the plants looked cramped and alot are shading others from the light. so i wondered if i could get the same yield with less plants like say 18 or 20 because they are getting more light. any input is a big help! thanks


Well-Known Member

mvoltage download the Lighting and Equipment chapters in Weed Science, I go into this in detail there. If there is information that you need that is not there, or if you need a better understanding (diagrams, pictures) please post in the Grow Lab thread and I'll make the changes right away.



thank you Hobbes. but it still doesnt answer the plants per light question. can lower numbers yield the same cuz of light being able to hit the whole plant? like 20 plants gets the same amount as 30 plants crammed in together?

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
I think you are looking at this is reverse. Rather than thinking of the right amount of plants per light, you would be better served determining the proper lumen's per square foot and go on to determine how many plants you want per sq ft.

Start with lumen's and work toward the proper number of plants.

In my opinion, the answer to your question is no. The main cola on the plant will produce the best buds and that is what you should really be focusing on. The buds from the lower branches are not as good. So the increase in yield from light hitting the lower portion isnt going to make that much of a difference. If you think your area is cramped, adjust by pruning. I think more agressive pruning would help to increase your yield as opposed to reducing the number of plants.


ahhh thats what i needed to hear. for some reason ive had a hard time understanding this. i get it now. big thanks Rudy!


Active Member
I think you are looking at this is reverse. Rather than thinking of the right amount of plants per light, you would be better served determining the proper lumen's per square foot and go on to determine how many plants you want per sq ft.

Start with lumen's and work toward the proper number of plants.

In my opinion, the answer to your question is no. The main cola on the plant will produce the best buds and that is what you should really be focusing on. The buds from the lower branches are not as good. So the increase in yield from light hitting the lower portion isnt going to make that much of a difference. If you think your area is cramped, adjust by pruning. I think more agressive pruning would help to increase your yield as opposed to reducing the number of plants.
Thats a very good post!!

I too am expirementing with numbers vs size. I think it all adds up to the math in the cycles. If you want a short veg and flip quickly, I'd say you can go for about 20 gals under the 1000w in a 3.5x3.5. Maybe a 2-3 week veg cycle.
If you want longer veg times, you'd half that ammount of plants. I think you should focus on the ammount of canopy and overall height, rather than the numbers. Theres so many factors. I grew 6 bigbang under the same cycle as 6blueberry. I had to break over the blue a ton of times, and theres no crowding. The big bang stayed at 22" tall when flipped at 10", and are crowding like hell. So, the evidence is suggesting that a given number of plants is impossible to say. More likely, you should go with what youve got, and tweak from there.

As far as yield, About 20-35% of my last yield was those little baby nugs, under the first canopy layer. Granted they werent the best, they still didnt get any complaints, and it was 30%! If you are looking for yield in total, Id say to cram em in like you got em, prune them a tad, and keep air blowing. I actually harvest the top nugs, continue flush for a week, and go back to the baby nugs. I dont gain yield, but they do darken and ripen. Nowadays I prefer quality over yield, so im limiting it to about 12 gals under a 1000, flipped at the 4th-5th leafset 10-12 inches. I quit topping the plants because I lost the MEGA colas, and seemed to lose a tad of those yielding baby nugs.

So many varibles is what makes this fun imo. Sorry I cant tell you a definate answer. I beleive the answer lies in perfecting a certain setup, with a certain breed, under certain pruning/handling conditions. Consider it a personal challenge that only you can win! Good luck to ya



need some opinions on this. is there a right amount of plants to have per light? like 6, 8, or 10? some info on my room is that i currently have 30 plants with 3 1000 watt HPS bulbs. the plants looked cramped and alot are shading others from the light. so i wondered if i could get the same yield with less plants like say 18 or 20 because they are getting more light. any input is a big help! thanks
My man, that's a lot of light, get you some shiny material such as tin foil or some other stuff that starts with an "m" and that way the light can come in at all angles. It's okay to trim some of the leaves off that are in the way of light to new nodes.


Active Member
i can not remember where i first learned this formula but it comes down to needing 30 watts of light per square foot of growing space.


thanks shanus and everyone else. im just gonna have fun experimenting with it. im gonna take one light and grow less plants under it than the others. then i will learn where the sweet spot is, if there is one lol


Well-Known Member
thanks shanus and everyone else. im just gonna have fun experimenting with it. im gonna take one light and grow less plants under it than the others. then i will learn where the sweet spot is, if there is one lol
ive been experimenting with this for a couple years and i can say that its all about the amount of light. so i have grown 12 plants under a 1k hps and ive grown 6 plants under a 1k hps and once i grew one plant all by itself and every time i end up with about the same amount of meds. the amount of light given determines how much yield you will harvest.