Question about lighting


Active Member
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i'm quite high bongsmilie as you can tell by that picture. But i had a question about my light timer. Right now i have my plants on a 12/12 light cycle and they have barely grown a leaf in a week, this seems pretty slow to me... But my question is, what light cycle would you recommend? And do i have to change it when its flowering or whatever?


Active Member
if you are in vegetative state you should have on for at least 18 hours a day...You dont run 12/12 till you are ready to start flowering...


Well-Known Member
u can flower (12/12) when ever u want. even from seed. what lights are u using? if they are cfls, then they should be about 2 inches away from the plant. u will probably have to move them every day or so.


Active Member
Yeah they are CFLS and i have it about 3.5" inches from the plant tip. I feel if i go any closer there will be too much heat because im growing in a contained and sealed fishtank with tinfoil on the outsides so no light can escape, and i got a little carbon filter coming out of the hole for your finger, I'm trying to find a model plane engine thats electric to stick in there to oscillate the plants, anyone know where i could get a small engine like that as well?


Well-Known Member
model shop. dont know where ur from but if ur from the UK u should be able to use a scalectix car engine. u should be able to find them in ur town/city/village easy enough