question about lights


Active Member
so i know their is a lot on this website about lights but its pretty confusing. i just wanted to know specifically will these lights works for one plant inside a small grow room?



Well-Known Member
The important things to know when you are choosing a light:

What is the wavelength on the spectrum? Usually displayed in thousands of degrees kelvin.
Blue spectrum (usually 6000k and above, often lights come in 6400k) is great for veg, but not flower. For flower you'll need a yellow/orange/red spectrum (think clear blue skies in the spring for growth, and orange autumn skies in the fall for flower).
These are usually like 2700k. It should say somewhere on the box what it is, so look for that.

Another thing I'd look for is the wattage. Observe and report back.

Edit: I see its 50 watts. That should be enough heat/light from an led to grow a plant or two (or hell, maybe more if you keep them really small). LEDs produce little heat compared to the big "hps" (high pressure sodium, yellow spectrum for flower) or "mh" (metal halide, blue spectrum for veg).

What does it say after that 4500? Does it say 4500 k?


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, that says 4500 lumens. That's probably gonna only grow one or maaaaybe two plants. See if you can find the four digit number with the k after it. You can grow all the way through with like a 2700 k, that one is probably higher (5000 is like a white color). I think 5000 works all the way through but you would need to ask a cfl grower.

Its all about what color that light puts off, and whether you will be able to use it after you start to flower, or if you'll need different/supplemental lighting then.


Well-Known Member
Dosent look like the right spectrum for growing, with LED lighting you really need a quality unit designed for growing to get any kind of result


Well-Known Member
Turn it on and see what color it looks like, you can try and guess. But it should have the four digit number somewhere


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure that light isnt the right one to use for growing, I remember one like that in a grow bible I had ages ago, isnt the right colour spectrum I think. If you want a decent LED light I'd say look into the UFO light I have a 180 watt one from the USA. Really rate it.
interesting it says halogen even thou you can see the LED'S, but you can tell they are yellow LEDs which plants don't really uptake green / yellow lights (they dont use it), hence why ppl use them to see their plants during their night cycle, i redid my basement with green bulbs so the girlfriend can do laundry at night when plants are sleeping. you need white and blue for veg and orange and red for bloom.
if you have the tech skills you can build your own LED set up with a pin dot open circuit board, some LED's and a soldering pencil, of course you will need a transformer and resistors but there is tons of DIY write ups on this topic. Radio Shack has all you need and its alot cheaper then buying a led kit which you are just paying for a fancy housing.


Well-Known Member
Just go out and buy some cfls or, if you have the space for it, you can get a Lights of America 2x2ft(I forget the size of the bulbs) shop light fixture at walmart and then get the bulbs for them. I used 2 of those fixtures and bulbs bought from walmart to veg and partly flower some LA Confidential. I had FANTASTIC results during veg. No stretch whatsoever. I was literally able to let the plants touch the lights, because they stayed that cool. Of course it meant I had to raise them more often. Good luck!