question about lollipoping


Well-Known Member
some of these branches look decent to me if i lollipop or whatever how do i know what branches to remove? do i pick and choose? or just get rid of them no matter how strong or weak they look?
pics 058.jpg

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Basically a branch may very well be good and strong and nice and big, but if it starts growing from the bottom of the plant, it stands to reason it will produce bud sites from the bottom, so regardless of the strength of the branch, it will/could still end up producing fluffy popcorn buds. You want to have the branch starting closer to the light source so that any budsites it forms will be getting optimumish lumens.


Well-Known Member
ok i see what you mean. in the pic i posted tho the lowest branch on the right that thicker than the rest on the bottom that reaches pretty far out and get could light should i still chop it here a few pics


Active Member
For veg, visually cut the plant into 3 pieces in your mind. From top to bottom, remove the two bottom sections of leaves. You can leave a bit more depending strain and on how bright your light is. For flower visually cut the plant in 2 and shave the bottom half. You don't want itsy-bitsy popcorn buds, so shave them bitches.


Active Member
I wouldn't cut what gets good light. They are still small. I think your plants look great but you let the topping go a bit in veg. you have lots of little spaced out branches on a thick single main stem. That causes the leaves and nodes to be spaced out


Well-Known Member
I think your plants look great but you let the topping go a bit in veg. you have lots of little spaced out branches on a thick single main stem. That causes the leaves and nodes to be spaced out
did i do something wrong when i topped them? how do i prevent stretching like that next time?


Active Member
How many times did you top it? just once? That's what it looks like one section I suppose. I top mine every new node section until about a week till Flower. My goal is to get them as spread out and flat on top as possible so they cover the entire area that light is being thrown down instead of one small spot.


Well-Known Member
that plant i topped twice i have never done it before so i was expiramenting with it. i have 6 plants total, i topped 3 and did the LST on one


Active Member
Here are a few examples of what topping does

Example of being topped many times
Tomato grow op 005.JPGTomato grow op 006.JPGTomato grow op 002.JPG

This one was only topped once or twice

Tomato grow op 004.JPG

Here is one beat up male plant that was not topped.
Tomato grow op 003.JPG

Here is my scrog The topping has made it so it stretches out and receives all the light being thrown down.

Tomato grow op 007.JPG


Well-Known Member
should i have topped all my plants? i have 2 cindy99, 2 white widow, 1 nl x skunk, and a pre 98 bubba. i was just worried about over crowding and not having enough light with just my 400w hps. also i read that some strains will lose some of the yield if you top them and others wont and the only way to figure it out is to expirement with diff strains. that was part of why i only try topping one of each of the ones i had two of


Active Member
you can always supercrop :) I do a combination of supercropping and topping normally with mine.
I have lollipopped in the past but never found any noticeable difference....i may have done it wrong though haha


Well-Known Member
also i do not understand why one would do supercropping and topping, or topping and LST, or whatever. don't they all pretty much have the same result? creating more/bigger/better tops?


Active Member
supercropping makes the plant produce bigger buds :)
I did make a vid on it ages ago and posted it here but i deleted all the vids off my youtube...i got paranoid haha. The thread is still there, and it explains the advantages to supercropping.
I find supercropping produces bigger yields than topping

Its not hard honest lol....dont be scared these things are weeds...they are very resilliant


Active Member
Supercropping is easy just bend the branch over you may hear or feel some crunching. Come back in a few hours if the branch is still bent over horizontally and the end leaves are point up like it's still happy then you did it right. If not and its standing straight up again then bend it again but harder this time.

If the branch hangs down. If the tip is lower than the connection of the stem intersection for that branch then you have bent it too hard. use some tape or hold it up somehow for a few hours.

If you see the branch insides where you bent it so that it is apparently broken away from part of itself and the branch starts to turn brown after a few days you probably just killed that branch and it should be removed. If you do break it you can bandage your plant back in place and to help apply some cloning jell at the break to cause the plant to re grow its connection there.


Active Member
"why one would do supercropping and topping, or topping and LST, or whatever. don't they all pretty much have the same result? creating more/bigger/better tops?
Yep bigger better cola buds. More dense, more crystals and more end weight. with out training you get maybe 2 good cola buds. anything you can do to increase the yield is the idea.