personally, at 14/ 15 i was starting to experiment with other things like mdma and eventually trippys, i think my first trip was at 16/ 17 and was from a dose of 2c-I probs not the most mellow of trippys to experiment with but it didnt fuck me up too bad ;P however, what i will say is this, halluciogenics are amazing and the experience you will have will be second to none, you will not be able to comprehend anything like what you are about to experience ahaha and even if you think you are having a good trip, your mind set can change so rapidly if you are in a bad way, i took some synthetic psilopsybn the other month, visuals were great i enjoyed the trip but my mind set was just pure paranoia and i couldnt think logically and this is from somebody who has done his fair share of chemicals throught out his teen years, so if you want to do it and think you are ready, it will be a new chapter in your life but i suggest waiting until you're / your friend is at least 18 as there will be plenty of time for realisation and philosophy, but first you must concerntrate on shaping your minds to the point where acid will play off your desires for knowledge and do you a world of good

peace and happy tripping x