Question about magic mushrooms

Here in NW Florida they look like a breast, in shape and coloration. The edges are creamy white, and darkening to the tip like a nipple. And when the cap pops, there is a little purple ring on the stem. Plus they always grow in grain fed cow or horse shit. There are ones that look like them, but they grow in dirt.

Kind of like these i found on Google.


No idea what kind you have in your neck of the woods.

Hi Larry,
I lived in Gainesville for a few years and found a great field about 4 miles west of the Community college. Cows in the field and always found great shrooms right along the tree line. I'd occasionally eat a few and hang out with the cows. After a few forays...I could tell a cubensis by smell.

Later lived in Cross City and there were so many pastures around that If I wanted shrooms...I'd just go for a quick bike ride and find them...every time.
Hi Larry,
I lived in Gainesville for a few years and found a great field about 4 miles west of the Community college. Cows in the field and always found great shrooms right along the tree line. I'd occasionally eat a few and hang out with the cows. After a few forays...I could tell a cubensis by smell.

Later lived in Cross City and there were so many pastures around that If I wanted shrooms...I'd just go for a quick bike ride and find them...every time.
They do have a unique smell. What I found was grain fed livestock made the best manure for mushrooms. Tall grass or on the treeline was usually the best spots.