Question about mother


Active Member
I have my from seed Blue Apollo mother (14 months old) in a dwc unit. Now that I have room, and don't want to mess with her being in a hydro unit, I would like to transfer her to soil so I only have to water it.

She is a big plant, and checking her res is a pain. I do not use soil, but hydro for all my applications. I am familiar with the right PH, and general growing in soil.

My question is, what soil should I choose for a mom? Mix ect...



Well-Known Member
if a mom is starving for N,. it sure wont regrow shoots.......
honestly i think you would be better off rooting a clone than trying to repot a plant that has been growing in hydro for over a year into soil. im not sure the roots would survive.


I agree. Going from hydro to soil usually doesn't end too well if the roots have been in that medium for a long period of time. I think I remember hearing that they are different? It puts too much stress on the plant to convert from hydro to soil roots.


Active Member
Awesome fellas. Thats new info to me!

I guess I will take clones a last time from her, and flower her in a few months. I will have to switch to a new strain, which I was going to do anyway.:hump:

Her root ball is at least a gallon in volume, and trunk is 2 inches in diameter! She is Joeysweed Blue Apollo from seed (not a clone).

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
dro= less root having to be made for the plant to live being everything is already there for it. soil they have to search and grow threw for food =bigger root zone taking a clone is the best way to go but ild do both weed is tought stuff it can realy strive when it has to