Question about moving plants indoor/outdoor


Active Member
Hey everyone, long time lurker here but I just started growing recently. I don't have a great setup yet, I'm working with a 250w~ 4 bulb T5 for veg (24hr light schedule) and plan on moving the plants outdoors for flower.

My question is regarding moving the plants outdoors during veg. My thinking is that if I move my plants outside on nice sunny days, then bring them back inside under the T5's at night that it will benefit the plants and they will grow a bit faster. However, I am also worried that this drastic change of light from day to night will cause stress to the plants instead of benefiting them.

I've moved plants outdoors for flowering before without any issues, but I've never moved a plant back and forth on a regular basis. I'm hoping that some of you have some experience doing this? Would it benefit my plants to get some sunlight during veg? Or would it just stress them out going back and forth?
I move plants all the time for this reason. It is effective and energy efficient. Should not harm your plants at all unless it's cold out or the leaves get wet under direct sun. Good idea! Grow on!
blake9999 makes a good point. If you get bugs and bring them inside where there are no natural predators for them, they will take over in no time. If you were to do this, you'd probably have to spray the plants down every time you brought them in. Which is a good waste of your money and time.