question about my autoflowers..indoor / outdoor?

Hey guys...

Got my hands on some Short Stuff Blue Himalaya AF Fem. My plan is to start them in my closet under CFL's for about a month then move them out to my balcony to finish. Just wondering if this will work or will it screw them up?
Obveously, the light cycle on the balcony wont be as regulated as the month they spend in the closet but, starting around April i get a lot of quality sunshine comming into my, glass enclosed, balcony. Thats when my wife puts all of her houseplants out there and I was planning on hiding my girls in with them.
Also, If I do plan on doing this, what would be the prefered light cycle for the month shes' indoors?

theyll be fine...autoflowers arenot effected by the light cycle especially before flowering...the whole beauty is that u can grow them any time of year outdoors (weather permitting of course)
theyll be fine...autoflowers arenot effected by the light cycle especially before flowering...the whole beauty is that u can grow them any time of year outdoors (weather permitting of course)

Thx for the info!! I really hope you're right. One other thing I was worried about was stretch. I really want to keep her as short as possible...If she gets used to the indoor lights then into sparse sunlight, she might stretch up for more light...what do you think? Also, what should the month long, indoor, light cycle be?