question about new growth - 1st timer


Active Member
Hey everyone, I have a couple questions about the lil plant im growing at the moment. Its a bagseed from a friend of mine that supposedly is telling me its Pineapple Express, which I think is a hoax but whatever. The plant is in MG organic potting soil. The plant sprouted around the 1st of May. First photo is of the plant when I transplanted her and put her outside May 15th and the final pics just today. The questions I have is in the last photo at the top of the plant it looks like its branching off? I looked all over for information but couldnt come up with anything. Is this normal...Probably? Any advice would be great on why this happens or whats going on? Plus the plant is only now producing the 5 blades. Is the plant small for how long it has been outside? its only about 4-5 inches tall. Love for advice I'll be putting together a grow journal about this so called Pineapple Express (bagseed) my friend gave me. Plus added extra photo of some new growth on the lowest node. Thanks



Active Member
ur plant looks fine, remember it doesnt have to be picture perfect, its a living plant and just like humans everyones different. nature is cool like that, everything looks perfect, and i think it looks the right size for how long its been


Active Member
Hey everyone thanks for the replies good to know my plant is doing well. Here are some updated photos of the plant. After examining the plant, the branch i originally had questions about is giving me more questions. It seems like the leaf has 8 blades with the two center blades smaller than the outer ones? It looked like it would split but would only leave me with 4 all uneven leaves. Some of the photos can show the abnormal leaf. Well here are the updated photos.

