Question about Organic Earth PK 13-14


Active Member
Hi all!
Recently i bought bloom nutrients in the Organic Earth, a dutch growshop. It's called Organic Earth PK 13-14.

The guy who sold it to me told me to feed the plant with this 1 to 2 times a week startin mid august. Now the npk 0-13-14 looked pretty strange to me, so i started searchin for peoples experiences with this product, but the only nutrients that i found info about was canna pk 13-14, and this product is only used as a boost for a small part of the flowering stage..

It's my first grow so i dont have any experience, but it looks wierd to me that i would use one product to feed my plant during the entire flowering stage, when a similar product is only used as a boost among other nutrients..

Doesnt a flowering plant need any N? Or do you think i should go for somethin else or give some supplements? Whats your overall opinion on usin a PK 13-14 and nothin else as bloom nutrients? I could ask tons of questions like this but u get the picture, id like to be sure on usin this and i need your help :-)

If anyone has any experience with this product that would be great. And even if you dont know this product, i guess almost all of you guys have more experience with growin than me so any input on this product is welcome! :wink:

Thanks! :peace:


Active Member
Here's a pic of the plant made about a week ago, u can see the yellow leaves. By now almost all the leaves that came out of the main stem are gone and those at the base of side branches start losin their color too. I know its normal for leaves to turn yellow durin flowering, but this soon? its only been a week or two..

So is this normal? or is the plant tellin me to switch nutes?




i believe the leaves lose color when they start to use the nutrients they have stored in them? but in your case it looks like its not getting enough nitrogen or phosphorus, i cant remember which makes the leaves like that. search this site theres many threads about this kinda stuff


Well-Known Member
A 13-14 may work just fine, but not as a stand-alone nute. If it were me, I'd be giving that plant a balanced food and using the 13-14 as a supplement.


Active Member
Thanks for the input!

The vegetative organic earth nutrients have an npk 12-8-11, would like feedin them 1/2 veg and 1/2 bloom nutes be a good idea? of somethin like that?
Im goin to the grow shop soon, they sell Canna, BioBiezz, BioNova, GHE and Plagron nutes too. Would it be best to change to one of these?

Thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
Half and half is a great idea actually. Enough nitrogen to keep them green and enough P and K to flower well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input!

The vegetative organic earth nutrients have an npk 12-8-11, would like feedin them 1/2 veg and 1/2 bloom nutes be a good idea? of somethin like that?
Im goin to the grow shop soon, they sell Canna, BioBiezz, BioNova, GHE and Plagron nutes too. Would it be best to change to one of these?

Thanks :peace:
I think that would be great.

Sorry, not familiar with all those nutes, just Canna, which I can get here. But I prefer BioCanabium which you can´t get there. Good luck.