Question about space


Active Member
Alright, well lets say someone has an area that is about 1-2 ft high, if a non autoflowering plant is grown in this area will it continue to reach to the lights? and will it become uncontrollable in this small space? or will it adapt to the size and stay a certain height? Also, is it safe to grow inside a large plastic container, or will it melt with the lights being on all the time? my guess is it will melt. lol

Well let me hear some feedback yall

Brooklynz Kush

Active Member
1-2 ft high is really not much space.You can clone or veg in it for a few weeks(if plants are not autos.)But you can grow in rubbermaid bins check out the forums do some research you can find better answers.


Active Member
It will outgrow your area at one point or another. And no i would not use a plastic container, use something bigger. If you have to just make a small grow box out of 2x4 and plywood its really easy. i would make it at least 3 feet tall honestly.