Question about testing your run-off PH...


So I've been reading around and i've heard all the talk about testing your run-off PH. When I water my PH is around 6.5-6.8 So my question is, if my run-off PH is lower or higher than what I'm watering should I increase or decrease the PH in my water to correct the soil? Is that what it means to test the run-off PH?

If someone could explain what to do with that it would be great. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I dont do it but I know what your talking about. Testing PH in soil with a soil ph meter isnt very accurate so watering with say 6.0 water and testing the ph of the run off will give you a better idea. say the run off is 5.0 then you know its too low so you would increase the ph in the water to say 7.0 to try and hit 6.5 run off. Thing is there are a lot of things that effect ph in soil but as long as you are between 5.5 and 7.0 your cool.

Thats my 2 cents anyway


Active Member
So I've been reading around and i've heard all the talk about testing your run-off PH. When I water my PH is around 6.5-6.8 So my question is, if my run-off PH is lower or higher than what I'm watering should I increase or decrease the PH in my water to correct the soil? Is that what it means to test the run-off PH?.
You're right. Testing the run-off water I think is a little more accurate representation of what is going on in the soil as far as the pH levels are concerned. A very acidic soil needs a more basic(?) water to compensate for the difference. In soil, stay between 6.1 and 6.5 and you should be ok.


Hey thanks guys for clearing that up. I figured that made sense and thats what I was supposed to do. My lower leaves started yellowing and I started to add nutes but they haven't bounced back yet. So I figured maybe the soil Ph was off. But its worth checking. I know I read somewhere that lower leaves will turn yellow and die off but it seems its starting to get to the middle leaves now. But my PH is fine I'm pretty sure its my nute situation.

I'll post a couple pics if you guys care to take a gander, or I could start another thread.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So I've been reading around and i've heard all the talk about testing your run-off PH. When I water my PH is around 6.5-6.8 So my question is, if my run-off PH is lower or higher than what I'm watering should I increase or decrease the PH in my water to correct the soil? Is that what it means to test the run-off PH?

If someone could explain what to do with that it would be great. Thanks in advance.
what i do to keep it even when need to but most of the time mine stays just right.. but what you can do issay if your runoff is low then mix your nutes up if the ph is high then go ahead and use it to bring upthe ph in the soil. if high then its visa versa, mix up your nutes and when adjusting the ph to bring it down..