Question about the boys outside.


Well-Known Member
amazingly far.

when i grew outdoors i had 70 acres, culled all males/hermies, am pretty sure no one was growing on my property or on any of the acreage around mine and most all my plants still seeded up.

bees, breeze and the like will make for some long range for the pollen.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that kinda made me sound like a douche. Here, there was a prior thread on pollination. Rep to this guy, foshizzle. :blsmoke:

Haha, common myth. First of all, this used to be a popular thread on the old OG site. Second, I keep bees so give me a few seconds to explain the whole deal.

Bees collect four main things: pollen, nectar, water, and propolis (kinda like tree sap, also called 'bee glue'). What we are mainly talking about is the nectar portion. Pollen is not used to make honey, it is stored in the hive and mixed with honey to make 'bee bread', a substance that they feed the larva (the baby bees). The nectar is what is turned into honey. Bees have a 'second stomach' that is called a crop. When a foraging bee collects nectar, it is put into it's crop kinda like being put into it's internal pocket. The lining of the crop has a compound that breaks down the nectar. Nectar contains sucrose (sugar). The enzime in the bees crob turns this compound into dextrose and levulose, with phosphoric acid (the preserving agent) as a by product of the chemical reaction. There are other inert materials in there, but they are of little important to us.

So the question has nothing to do with pollen, as this isn't in honey, it's with nectar. the real question is if you can get honey bees to pollinate marijuana plants. I'll tell you right now you can not. Bees to collect nectar from all kinds of plants, but they do not go to every type of plant. They are very specific as to the types of plants that they will pollinate and collect substances from. Nature, in turn, can be very specificly either for or against bees, depending on the plant in question. Almonds, for instance, only are polinated by honey bees, nothing else pollinates them. Apples are mainly pollinated by honey bees, but don't have to be. Sweat bees, carpenter bees, and other insects occasionally do their part. Pepper plants are not visited by honey bees. They do not provide much nectar for the bees collection needs, and likewise the pepper plant is pollinated by the wind. Marijuana plants are pollinated by the wind as well. the bees are not interested in yoru MJ plant, will nto pollinate it, and will nto try to take it's nectar. It just won't happen, sorry.

Honey is not 'bee spit' or 'bee vomit'.
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i didnt know for sure if they do or dont... but the point is, SOMEHOW the pollen gets around for a long distance.


Well-Known Member
and thanks for digging up your evidence :)

You're very welcome. I didn't mean to come off like that, but I just spent like 3 hours reading about bees and how/if they pollinate marijuana. I guess the common consensus is that bees CAN pollinate marijuana, but are specific, and commonly will not see marijuana as suitable.


Well-Known Member
You're very welcome. I didn't mean to come off like that, but I just spent like 3 hours reading about bees and how/if they pollinate marijuana. I guess the common consensus is that bees CAN pollinate marijuana, but are specific, and commonly will not see marijuana as suitable.
for the record, i didnt think you were being a "douche" by correcting my speaking inacurrately.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for answering my question. I hear of people taking their indoor plants outside to get more sunlight and when it gets dark they take them back inside. I figured that'd be a bad idea since there could be male plants outside somewhere. Common sense. Lol. thanks again.