Question about the stench and humidity of harvest


Active Member
I will be harvesting my grown in stages, owing to different flowering times.

My initial plan was to install a cardboard box right outside my tent so it's sitting on the intake, drawing air through the box and into the tent. Few questions about this:

1) Is this likely to cause humidity problems in the tent?

2) I've been told to expect harvest time to STINK, so much so that the carbon filter will be almost useless against the smell. How long does this major stink last? Until I jar it, or does it rapidly drop as it dries?



Well-Known Member
I do have a day or two after harvest that smells a bit. If I did everything for trimming and all inside my sealed tent, I am not sure that would be the case.

I don't get the question on the box. If anything, I would think cardboard would absorb some moisture. But what's the point of the box?


Active Member
Ok, so the stink drops off fairly rapidly from what you're saying #GrowinDad thanks.

The question about the box.... the reason for having the box is that I understand the best way to dry the plant is in darkness, with good airflow. I will use a cardboard box with a hole cut into each side, and place this outside my tent, up against the side so that the exhaust fan is drawing air through the drying box, into the tent then up and out. My question is, given the drying buds, will they give off unwanted humidity which will be drawn into the tent? As you say, cardboard helps absorb moisture. Just wondering if anyone has tried anything similar.


Well-Known Member
no i doubt that will put off much humidity, maybe for a day or two but it will quickly dissipate and probably won't harm the other plant. but i would be more concerned about an excess of air flow on those drying buds. you want there to be some airflow so it doesn't just stagnate and the moisture in the air gets removed. but you don't necessarily want the airflow on the buds directly as this can cause it to dry too quickly, it's better when it dries slowly, so just keep it in darkness with slight airflow and you will be good, the only reason is to prevent budrot but that is not likely to happen anyways as long as the air isn't completely stagnant.


Well-Known Member
personally i will just hang them in a closet and just manually air it out a couple times a day, you don't need a fan blowing on them in other words.


Active Member
I'm keen to keep the smell contained within the carbon filtered system, but I hear what you're saying. In light of that, I'll use a large enough box that I can keep the drying plant off to one side so it isn't right in the airflow but so there is some air exchange going on. Thanks foe the advice!


Well-Known Member
My initial plan was to install a cardboard box right outside my tent so it's sitting on the intake, drawing air through the box and into the tent.
I've actually done this a previous run with a plant that was ready sooner than others that I wanted to give a few more days 12/12. Not pulling all air through it, but on top of my intake (which is a box to prevent light leaks) pulling not air out of the box (which would result in 'hay') but from close to an opening in the box. Worked out fine with my (phresh) carbon filter, ymmv.


Well-Known Member
Aha, keep light in the tent while also drying in it. My tent goes down for a few days while they hang and then the next batch goes in. I was antsy last grow and tried to hang in my veg cab, didn't go so well :-)


Active Member
I've actually done this a previous run with a plant that was ready sooner than others that I wanted to give a few more days 12/12. Not pulling all air through it, but on top of my intake (which is a box to prevent light leaks) pulling not air out of the box (which would result in 'hay') but from close to an opening in the box. Worked out fine with my (phresh) carbon filter, ymmv.
Thanks, I'll give this a go, if I get any smelly leaks I'll revert to plan A.

Aha, keep light in the tent while also drying in it. My tent goes down for a few days while they hang and then the next batch goes in. I was antsy last grow and tried to hang in my veg cab, didn't go so well :-)
Not wanting to grow in the tent, but rather to "extend the environment" by placing a box outside the tent, over the intake vent, so air is drawn through the drying box and into the tent.

walter diggens

Active Member
I live in a very dry climate so I have a different problem than most, however, it is important to know what your relative humidity is of the ambient air around you. Basically, if you have dry air and are moving it through your "drying box" mentioned above it will zap all the moisture from your buds too quickly. Again I live in a very dry place so I try to add moisture while I hang dry. Also, there is a large forum about drying and curing that you could probably read through for more info.