question about trics


soooo!! i went out and got me a 100x scope and i cliped a leaf off of my white widow x big bud and wonder women.. the wonderwomen is coming along really well all the trics are nice and clear as to be expected for 5 weeks on 12/12 but my whit widow has a mix between clear and cloudy and some ambers is that nomal foe 5 weeks of 12/12, i thought she would look more like my wonderwomen.. is that normal? please help

no clue

Well-Known Member
Especially if I am out of smoke they seem to take longer. 55 days seems awful quick but if she's ready and willing? Got pics?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you check multiple spots. I check many buds then make a average.
Yeah, the top of the plant could be ready to chop, the bottom not so much. I've seen the top half of a plant chopped off and the bottom 1/2 went another 3 weeks. Which actually isn't a bad situation if you ask me..........


Well-Known Member
HUgo, nice looking bud, went a little heavy on the nutes i see with the burnt tips ;) ive been there ugh, im harvesting some ak47 in two weeks ill have to try that zoom and crop thing id love to see it that close!


Active Member
Yep perfectly normal. Some WW is really fast. If it looks filled in and plumped up she is ready. How was the yield from her?