Question about urine test


I guess I'm really just making this post to attempt to self-assure myself I will be alright, but maybe you guys can share opinions/stories.

I recently got a urine test at Labcorp, I was 27 days clean didn't use any kind of reddi clean or anything. I drink nothing but water, regularly, drank about 3 bottles of cranberry juice over the time period and work out 2-3 days of week. I'm 5'10 160.

When I got home I took 2 urine home tests (Self-Check) I took the first one, looked at the box it was expired. Went got a new one. I passed both of them with a weak-negative.

The dumbass lab tech accidentally sent my test sample to the lab initially so instead of getting to find out immediately i have to wait 1-3 days. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I think the whole urine test is ridiculous. Ive even heard that they have started drug testing employees at wal-marts down in the states. Marijuana being the softest out of all the drugs stays in your system the longest. Ive heard about saliva tests, and marijuana only shows up like up to 2-3 days prior I believe.


yeah it's outrageous. Pot smokers get such a bad rep, but this has got to be a leading contribution. You don't want me to smoke pot because I'll show up to my job late/not be a good employee/loser etc. but... I get the job, they want me to work, and now im at the final process and you are willing to take it away. It's a Catch-22, wasn't easy quitting for a while neither... shit sucked. We'll see thanks for your input fellas. Have a fun weekend. I know I will, first weekend back :)


Well-Known Member
i think you will be clean. congrats.

i think it's stupid to test too, especially in states where it's legal. i have a prescription for it but i can't use it for the purpose which it is intended for me?

i can pop painkillers and benzos all day and no one cares but if i take a toke, i can't get a job??? so dumb.


Before quitting for almost a months I smoked everyday for a year and half or so... will that affect things? I'm just super nervous. egh

I'll definitely make sure I post afterwards as to if i pass or not! haha


Ursus marijanus
How much you smoked is less important than how long you haven't ... and you have a generous dry time behind you. If your test isn't clean, i'd have reason to suspect a switched sample, and confidently request a retest. cn


Active Member
I normally wait 7-14s of non smoking. Run and water.

If its saliva i just stop for 24-48hours. Mouthwash! before