Question abut curing


Well-Known Member
I have a question on curing. I have a HUGE GLASS jar, probably fits about 8oz. Would it be ok to drop about 9 or 10 of those 62% rh packets in there and cure that much weed in one jar? I have a tiny rh reader that I'll drop in there as well. If I see it go above 65% I'll burp it then close it up again until it's at a steady 62%. Then I would assume it's ready right? Idk any tips would help
You don't need that many, one per jar will do, occasionally squeeze it, if it gets hard, replace it.
First, Why?
I think if things went into the jar already less than 65% with the Boveda 62s you would be fine. If
70+% then you are asking alot of your Bovedas and there may be a race against mold. .
I agree with taz. I would buy the size appropriate for the volume of the curing vessel according to broveda. They make them up to 60 grams.
This jar is fucking huge man... it's heavy as shit empty and holds god know how much. I'll do a little more research on the size. And as for why, because I really don't have jars available at the moment and don't really feel it's needed if I can properly cure about a half to whole pound in one jar. It sounds fishy to me which is why I'm asking now. If it's not safe I'll just go buy jars but I would like not too.
This jar is fucking huge man... it's heavy as shit empty and holds god know how much. I'll do a little more research on the size. And as for why, because I really don't have jars available at the moment and don't really feel it's needed if I can properly cure about a half to whole pound in one jar. It sounds fishy to me which is why I'm asking now. If it's not safe I'll just go buy jars but I would like not too.
I cure in a 4 litre glass jar, holds like 4 ounces probs more, throw 2 60 gram packs in, you can't really use too much or too less, more packs you throw in, the longer each pack will last and won't send your rh sky rocketing over 62 unless you put your herb in the jar too wet, it's all about jaring it right near the cure zone, 65 or so and burp daily.
I agree with Purpleb3rry.

In my experience, the Boveda packs do a great job of maintaining humidity level, a decent job of raising humidity levels from, say, 53% to 62%, and a poor job of dropping humidity levels, especially if above 65%. Hence, before dropping in the Boveda pack(s), first get the humdity down into the curing zone (<65%).

One thing to flag is that mold can occur when the RH is 60%+, so keeping things at 62% does make for some mold risk.

My personal preference is let the RH continue to drop over the course of the first week of curing, and then to complete the cure at 58% or so (I keep a Caliber IV hygrometer in the jar to measure it). After a month of curing, I'll throw in a Boveda pack to maintain the humidity level.