Question, Closet Growing


Well-Known Member
I just need to confirm with someone before i go off the wall and get my card to grow green.

Theres a closet space in the basement, wood surface, however i can not paint white to absorb the light, im going to cover the whole closet space(Size of a normal bathroom), with plastic though. is that ok?

My lighting source, is two 25" Floresecent lights good, im not sure on the watts, i no thats kind of a noob thing to say, but what can i say.. they will be mounted and looking down on six plants.

What Soil can i get to use? just normal plant soil? and what plant food do i get? i seen a 10-10-10, not sure if thats good, a link to a miracle grow plant food would be nice.

and whats a daily schedule i could follow to groom the plant in growing stages.

this is all for medical purposes by the way, cali ftw.


Well-Known Member
the floros are junk, all they would be good for is seedlings.
Do a bit of looking and reading on here.
Don't take it soo lightly, or you will get no more than a J or a dead plant for your troubles.


Well-Known Member
Get some mylar or reflective film from home depot or your local hydro shop, its cheap and will reflect light better than plastic.

like phenom420 said, floros will only keep your plants alive, but will not help them thrive. MH/HPS bulbs are best for growing but if your on a budget CFL bulbs do the trick.

I reccomend FoxFarm OceanForest soil, 100% organic and cheap, it can be found at most hydro stores and online.

For vegetative state you want nutrients with a 2-1 nitrogen ratio, and for flowering you want nutes with a 2-1 phosphorus ratio.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
no problem, also if you want to find something here easy i do this
if you use google go there and type something to do with weed growing your looking for and type "rollitup" after it and it will list results from RIU first.
works alot better than the search on the site does.


Well-Known Member
So i think i have everything down, Now lets talk about my grow room area.

do you think i should get a dehumidfier in there and keep it between 30% and 70% i mean this basement is not to damp but the closet is kind of, would a fan blowing in and out work?


Well-Known Member
you will need to get some plants n there and see what happens
they change it all, lights will change humidity as well.
You def have to have ventilation, very important.
You dont want mold being in a basement so def keep air moving.


Well-Known Member
no problem, also if you want to find something here easy i do this
if you use google go there and type something to do with weed growing your looking for and type "rollitup" after it and it will list results from RIU first.
works alot better than the search on the site does.
AWESOME i actually found something i wanted to read about, thanks


Well-Known Member
No problem, Im trying to repay the help I was given here, this is a excellent place to find out all kinds of shit.
I learn lots every day.


Well-Known Member
So i think im gonna use that FarmFox Soil, ill have to drive 30miles but its worth it, so many good reports, i would be stupid not to. but i mean in 30min i could have smoked alot of spliffs lol.
Im gonna use a 400w HPS, how much power is this when looked at by my electric bill?

Im also going to use a 12/12 schedule


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah man if I could get it near by i would drive that shit so worth it
I dunno about power bill, ill find the thread about figuring that based on your equipment useage.

You dont want to use HPS for veg, that would be ohh such a waste and here this is helpful as shit


Well-Known Member
ok if i make a little box with 6 CFL lights, you think that will be enough for 2 plants?


Well-Known Member
maybe for a few weeks.
they are gonna gro and gro.
Check out my albums, I use a shit load of em and I still need more