question for americans


Well-Known Member
If anything I see it lowering prices on the street, or better bags for the price. Dispensary's are usually still rather spendy in my area, an closely watched. People I know wouldn't go near one for the fear of cops following you around after.

Weird. I tell every police officer I meet that I have weed on my person.

The legalization movement is great but honestly has created giant sticky traps (dispensary's) for cops that still hound it as a drug and love kissing federal a$$.
Where are you talking about? This doesn't happen in Denver and the suburbs.
Why would a cop waste time going after a guy with legal weed and a red card?

More product available generally will drive prices down on anything. In a way I like it that way though, I would rather see people who are truly medicinal patients using dispensary's that's REALLY their purpose,
That is not your call. If a doctor recommends that I use marijuana, it is not your business. If I choose to use a plant for medicinal properties, that is not anyone's business.

The government is supposed to fear us, not the other way around.

I can also choose to smoke weed to get high. Still no one's business.

maybe see "Smoke Bars" for recreational.
I think those got shot down. So much for "regulate it like alcohol."

With some that get cards and frequent my local shop at least definitely gives it a bad look sometimes and can hurt the movement for legality at times in my opinion.
A person that looks a certain way buying weed hurts legalization?
It is legal here and the vote wasn't even close.

The average red card holder is 40, by the way.

I saw it somewhere once a quote "As cannabis legalization rolls out, be the stoner everyone wants to be around. We gotta remember we are the ambassadors for cannabis, lets show the world the GOOD it can do." Walking around downtown like snoop dogg puffin in peoples faces isn't going to win us votes next go round :p
Votes for what?
I don't smoke much in public. When I do I am discrete.
But yeah, some people are a little to out with the whole legalization deal.

We have legal weed here.
The feds can do nothing to stop it.
The rest of the states will come around eventually. Most will have medical first, like us. When people realize it is not some terrible drug, they will change their minds.

Last year my dad, a life long weed hater, told me with all the news about weed he did some research and decided it should be legal.

I said, "Do you remember when I was 16 and I told you weed should be legal and you told me I was a dumbass?"

He won't smoke a doob with me though. That would be cool.


Caffeine is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. Cannabinoids are a drug. It doesn't matter what you consider it to be, it is a drug. I buy my cannabis from a drug dealer. He deals cannabis, which is a drug, which makes him a drug dealer. deal with it.
Fuck you! Marijuana might be considered a "drug", but it wont kill you like most other DRUGS!! Buy your shitty dirt weed from your dumb ass drug dealer!