Question for anyone who has ever used horse manure to grow shrooms?


Well-Known Member
I am going to be growing shrooms in monotubs using horse poo. The thread i read said I need leached horse poo. I don't know what that is. One of the adds on craigs list has fresh and I know that's not good. The other says not green but cured. Is that what I want? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Es, if you look at the photos in the HP tek that I gave you, there is a pic of rain leached pooh.
I think smell is a good thing to go by, if it still smells of horsepiss its too fresh, if its just right it smells like awesome fresh soil.
As for the type of nuggets you want, you want nuggets that are leached and dried. They should crumble in your hand like you'll see in the below pics. If they are to old, they will crumble up, feel, and smell like dirt. It will be obvious. If they are too wet ... they will feel, and smell ... well ... like shit!


Well-Known Member
Hey Es, if you look at the photos in the HP tek that I gave you, there is a pic of rain leached pooh.
I think smell is a good thing to go by, if it still smells of horsepiss its too fresh, if its just right it smells like awesome fresh soil.

Yes and thanks to you this is the link you gave me and i have been studying. My problem is one of the people shit I have access to is fresh and one says cured and not green. I dont want the cured poo to be too dry and I dont know how to cure the fresh myself or know how long it will take. Any input? I am using these 2 methods and starting in about 10 days. I just want every thing to go smooth ya dig? Thanks allot as always! OZZ's Cubensis Horse Poo Pictorial - Shroomery - Doc's Wild Bird Seed Tek Cannabis Culture Forums

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
very informative link
but what is WBS spawn, he lost me there i thought that what the hpoo was for
its like out of nowhere he starts talking about wbs spawn, did i miss somthing
So grab a tub, cut some holes in the sides, wipe it out with alcohol and lay a trash bag down in it. Sprinkle down some WBS spawn on the bottom, gently lay down your hpoo mix layer and continue to layer hpoo with wbs spawn until you only have one layers worth of the hpoo mix left. Then simply double up your spawn on the last wbs layer and lay down your final hpoo layer on top. I like doing it this way so it forces the mycelium to grow vertically rather then horizontally. Horizontal growth can often times form a matt on the surface that is not as effecient at developing pins.


Well-Known Member
I think the not green, refers to the state of the poop, similar to the shit in the picture... worst case you can stack it somewere outside where it can rain leach for a while.

You basicaly need to start with "a" grain, to spawn into the poop. One of my favourite grains is popcorn or normal whole grained corn from the petshop, just requires good sterilisation and cleaning, cheap as shit.
The popcorn can also even be fruited in icecream tubs with just a layer of coir or verm over to keep moisture in without poop. The poop is a cheap way of extending your mushroom substrate... bucket of poop is cheaper than a bucket of WBS....

Es, don;t stress, get your jars going, you still have 2 to 3 weeks to sort out the pooh.


Well-Known Member
I think the not green, refers to the state of the poop, similar to the shit in the picture... worst case you can stack it somewere outside where it can rain leach for a while.

You basicaly need to start with "a" grain, to spawn into the poop. One of my favourite grains is popcorn or normal whole grained corn from the petshop, just requires good sterilisation and cleaning, cheap as shit.
The popcorn can also even be fruited in icecream tubs with just a layer of coir or verm over to keep moisture in without poop. The poop is a cheap way of extending your mushroom substrate... bucket of poop is cheaper than a bucket of WBS....

Es, don;t stress, get your jars going, you still have 2 to 3 weeks to sort out the pooh.
o.k. but I am using wbs tek for my jars. That will work good with the poo in the tubs right?


Well-Known Member
I think the not green, refers to the state of the poop, similar to the shit in the picture... worst case you can stack it somewere outside where it can rain leach for a while.

You basicaly need to start with "a" grain, to spawn into the poop. One of my favourite grains is popcorn or normal whole grained corn from the petshop, just requires good sterilisation and cleaning, cheap as shit.
The popcorn can also even be fruited in icecream tubs with just a layer of coir or verm over to keep moisture in without poop. The poop is a cheap way of extending your mushroom substrate... bucket of poop is cheaper than a bucket of WBS....

Es, don;t stress, get your jars going, you still have 2 to 3 weeks to sort out the pooh.
I forgot to ask what strain will due well in manure as far as fat yields go?


Well-Known Member

I use horsepooh as a mulch for my weed tree, check what I found this morning.


Well-Known Member

I use horsepooh as a mulch for my weed tree, check what I found this morning.
Sweet! I'm gona quit worrying so much. The only thing I don't know where to find is powdered gypsum. Do you know where to find that?


Well-Known Member
pharmacy, I think its the same a plaster of paris, I got a bagfull from a friend. Otherwise try to google.


Well-Known Member
pharmacy, I think its the same a plaster of paris, I got a bagfull from a friend. Otherwise try to google.
Yep I've been googleing it and its not as easy to locate as you would think. Thanks for all your help and I will send you pics sometime next week of the set up.


Well-Known Member
Try a garden supply place, or else just order from amazon or maybe you have an ACE hardware store..