question for flood and drain hydro system


Well-Known Member
i have some plants that are about 2 to 3 inches tall that had roots coming out the bottom of the one inch rockwool. I then placed those into the bigger 6 inch rockwool. they are doing good and im just watering them often. i was wondering when should i throw these into my flood and drain system. At a certain hight?? and also when i throw them in there at what point should i start giving them nutrients? right away? thanks for the responses


Well-Known Member
generally, you would start introducing nutes at about two weeks old. Start at about 1/4 strength and bump it up a little each time you water until full strength. You can move them to the flood and drain anytime, doesn't mean you have to use the system. I usually wait til about 8" tall but height is not an issue in my space. More details and pictures might help. We like pictures and did I mention we like pictures. VV


Uses the Rollitup profile
When I'm growing plants hydroponically, I feed them always. If they have roots, they are being fed with hydro nutes in the water. If they don't have roots, I foliar feed them with low-strength nutes.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
i have been using a ebb and flow setup up for a year now the best way i do this is i put my rw cube in a 3 or 5 gallon bucket filled with hydrton and is makes it so easily for much more root develpoment plus i never worry about overwatering because the hydrotn drains so fast and eaisly