Question For Growers


Every time I get weed I notice sticky white stuff near the stem of the weed. There isn't a whole ton of it but I notice some whiteness on the ends of the stem making the weed fairly soft. What is this stuff? Is it naturaly produced to make the bud stick to the stem? or what is it. I just want to make sure that it isn't spoiled or anything and safe to smoke. Does molded weed affect how long the high lasts?


Well-Known Member
LOL, the description isn't very precise because, that fuzzy white shit could definately be MOLD. how long have you been "using" this bud, and how does it smell? I 've been burning bud for 13 years, so I know right off the batt when knugs have gone up and turned sour. Becareful with that shit bro. Buds grow out of the stem, and don't "stick" to the stem through any substance, that's what the stem's job is


Well-Known Member
Molded weed should have a stink that isn't as pleasant as good quality preserved bud. I've gotten brick that had white fluffy mold/fungus caused by damp packing conditions for extended periods, i threw 1/3 of it out the window, should have been the whole thing. just smoked like ammonia and shitty grass


Just so you have a better idea these are broken into small peices just zoomed in
this is my weed: does it look okphoto.jpg


Yeah I smoked it. It is pretty good actually i got stoned for about 20 minutes then 20 minutes of being just high then buzzed for 20 so about an hour if I took 2 of my mini bong hits. If I took like 4, 5, or 6 hits I get blitzed for 2 hours, stoned for like 10 minutes (blitzed is better) then high for like 20 then buzzed for hours.


I don't know really it's hard to tell kinda fruity maybe and it smells fruity and the smoke when burned smells almost like a skunk but not really