Question for the black guys.

this is actually a decent thread huh...

im 100% white boy here. so white i make rice look black. but for real...i used to know white kids who would call each other "nigga" like "pass the blunt nigga" or whatever. it really pissed me off so fucking much. so im asking my black brothas if this pisses you off too? i used to hang with a mixed group of whites and blacks where everyone was sayin nigga back n forth. and im a lot older now, and i swear i see it even more often...but i think the lack of culture behind most of the white races is what's driving it...but iddunno. gonna check on my ladies now. they might need a little sip. peace.
i agree
at first i use to be made if i hear a white guy say it
but thin i was noticing i would only be mad if i hear a white guy that was outside my circle say it
like if MM said it in a rap i wouldn't even think twice about it

but its like the older i get the younger generation has taken that and turn it into there word
kind of like what the word bitch is
started as an insult to women
then women used it on each other
then they started useing it toward each other out of love
then guys took it and started doing it
i remimber a time when you couldn't say to a guy "suck my dick" and not end up dead
now guys say it too replace of "what ever "
younger gen. guys are wereing pink, and sparkling clothes and glitter
and skinny pants ,eyebrow arching, lip percing .. and these are the thugs
but back to the n-word
i hate hearing blacks say it and a really hate it when whites are around and black say it
i try not to drop the N bomb as much as possible.
but once in a while i'll be around some of my nigs and they will say it so much, to each other, to me and if i get caught up in the moment for sure i will say it without thinking twice if it was wrong or not. i think this is more just growing up in this environment that makes me be that way.
but if i can help it i wont say it.
i dont think it is derogatory, at least i dont mean it in any negative connotation.
Q. "What are three things a black guy will never have?"

A. "A black eye, a fat lip,.............and a job."

-Ashton Kutcher in "Look who's coming to dinner"


How about some white jokes people? Let's hear some. :mrgreen:
yeah i knew this was going to happen

yeah there just jokes but this is not a joke thread
ths doesn't happen in other thread.... sad
just out of curiosity how many of yall think im black?????? cuzz im not lol.... im just another dude from the chi