Question from Noob


Well-Known Member
I use a mix of FFOF/Light warrior 2 to 1. For clones. And for seeds I start off with a party cup with Light warrior. And has worked great, gotta love the mycos in LW that fire off roots. I have used straight FFOF in some plants and worked fine. Just gotta watch plants for super dark green leaves, burnt tips and clawing down but I grow organic so burnt leaves is something I don't see much of anymore.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest (FFoF) is what a lot of people use. Just watch for bugs if your in the pacific north west. Just go look through peoples journals and you'll see lots of successful grows using FFoF.


Well-Known Member
Yep forgot about those bastards. I have had gnats with FFOF but if you request bags from a fresh pallat your chances are better. As long as they were not infested during shipping or sitting in a shitty hydro store.