question from noob


Hey guys i have a reflective clamp lamp with two cfls in it one bloom 2400 lumens and one grow 2400 lumens which is 4800 lumens alltogether
Do you think i could grow a decent Indica with this or am i wasting my time?? thanks for any feedback


Well-Known Member
yes you can. go big when you get the chance. germ the seeds in a window or something. be patient. if you've never grown any kind of plant this is the one thing you can do for yourself. be very patient it takes time growing any kind of plant. exspect first leaves(rounded) to die off weeks after and browning a tad on tips is normal.


Well-Known Member
your good keep the lights nice and close and dont really expect super fast growth...I would HIGHLY advise grabbing at least a 200w hps for flowering however because you really arent going to yield much with just the flouros and your buds will not be as solid without the hps


Well-Known Member
good cheaper options for you to experiment are the technaflora starter kit has everything you need for a full grow including clone powder for around 30 bucks...if your going organic you can get the general organics go box which is also a full kit for about 30 bucks..these are always the options i give to people who probably dont have a full knowledge of nutes..cant mess up with these and i have to admit i usually just go with this as well, never sw a reason not to works like a charm..though i add a few things here and there..i also like to add worm castings or guano when i replant just cuz it cant hurt, i feel like the plants like it..i dont claim to be a pro but ive had a few quite successful grows with these methods!


yes i am doing a CFL grow and as far as im concerned my plants are doing awsome and that technaflora starter kit is called B.C. Recipe For Success its around $35 at a local grow store i use it
and for my clones i use clonex root compound and i swear it will grow roots on a popsicle stick. i even did a test with 2 seeds from the same bud of Big Bud i got from the dispensary i slathered 1 in clonex compound and 1 with out , planted them in some soil watered them every day and put them in a ziplock bag to germinate, 5 days later the 1 with the gel on it sprouted and the 1 that didnt ,didnt do anything coulda been a dud but still sprout in 5 days...the grow guy at the grow place was amazed!

but i wouldnt recommend nuting a freshling untill it gets its second set of leaf's after the 1st round'd 1's it could go bad.