question! if answered could help many people!


Active Member
hey, an old friend of mines father has grown in the same house for about 35 years without any odor control!he exausts out the sewer somehow.I cant ask him how becouse i havent seen him in 10 years but he still lives there and the st.he lives on still smells awsome!
if anyone knows how this would work please let me know!!!!thansk for your time!Peace


Active Member
i know it's possible! the st. it's on is a deadend with a circle of houses at the end. the whole st. constently has a faint fresh smell.I was thinking doing this with a carbon filter would be next to foolproof.
imagine working for the city and when your in the sewer fixing things, instead of smelling crap and death you smell be a nice change!


Well-Known Member
I would say that it is possible.

Every bathroom and kitchen fixture should have a p-trap to prevent sewer gasses from escaping into the home.

You would have to eliminate or drain that p-trap of liquid and vent the gasses directly into the sewer.

The problem would be if the gasses got to a vertical vent in your home before the sewer. Then it would vent the gasses directly into the air above your home.

I would say that a plumber could do this easily but you may end up with more trouble that it is worth.


Active Member
he doesnt care about the smell,35 years no issues.everyone in the neiborhood would be suprised to find out it was there,but they are ignorant and unaware,thus he doesnt bother with carbon filters.I would like to use a carbon filter and do this.(not myself, I would find someone with the experience needed)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
furry muff man i guess sewers smell that bad carbon filters are unnecessary.

ignorance is bliss. :) why dont you ask the guy?


If he grew in a room that had previously had a flushing toilet in it, then there would be a soil pipe of 110mm width where the toilet would have been. That could be adapted to take the exhaust from an extractor fan. That would do it.



Active Member
If he grew in a room that had previously had a flushing toilet in it, then there would be a soil pipe of 110mm width where the toilet would have been. That could be adapted to take the exhaust from an extractor fan. That would do it.

good to know!ill be looking into it more.


Active Member
a check valve can keep things from going backwards... and since you will be blowing pressure out you should attach to the sewer pipe near it's exit from the house and past the check valve... you wouldn't want the air pressure blowing the trapped water out of all your P traps

I'm just guessing though


Active Member
a check valve can keep things from going backwards... and since you will be blowing pressure out you should attach to the sewer pipe near it's exit from the house and past the check valve... you wouldn't want the air pressure blowing the trapped water out of all your P traps

I'm just guessing though
I was thinking that, i would need someway to be sure nothing is coming up it! automatic fail if that happened!
as it stands im just looking into the theory of it and wont be doing this for awhile(upto a year or so)I dont have much stink to get rid of so its no biggy.
I really like the thought of sewer exausting.if i had a chimney id flow it out there.


Active Member
what about venting into a wall cavity, or under the floor boards? It might dissipate the smell?
im sure it's possible but wouldnt reccomend becouse the humidity could make mold.maybe under the house(if it's elavated)
I dont have an issue with exausting right now.My laundry room has an extra dryer exaust(used to be 2 apt. turned back to 1,have 2 washers/2dryers)so ill use the extra dryer's exaust-line to clear out my closet(when i set it up) that happens to be accross the hall from the laundry room.
my 6"tube can go through the hallway roof inbetween studs to the laundry room.Ill have a fan pulling air strait off my bulb on the start of the ex. and 1 or 2 between(probably 1 before and 1 after carbon filter+one at the start) i think ill need 3 beocuse im using a 400w in a small closet2.5x3ft giv'r'take