Question of PH/PPM runoff


I grow in Sunshine soiless mix

First week of flower just completed and I watered last night

5 gal smart pots each get 3 Liters per watering , base water is 175ppm

My PPM solution going in was 900. It came out at 300ppm Run off.

My PH going in was 6.3 it came out at 6.6 run off.

My plants look nice, white widow grow LST, they are huge bushes. 6 week veg

So what are the readings telling me? Is 300ppm runoff for 900 in good? too much? too little?



Well-Known Member
Ur ph runoff if fine so just keep doing what ur doing and keeping checking the runoff cuz it tends to change.

Checking ppm of ur runoff with soil is pointless. Just worry about ph. Just check ur leaf tips for signs of nute burn. Stop raising ppm once u see any signs.

Ideal soil ph is 6.5-6.8 .
your ppm's are in the 300-900 range, good if your plants are loving it and your ph is right where it needs to be. run more water through the soil to lower both your ph and ppm, but if all is well dont mess with it.


Thanks yea i just thought maybe that having 300ppm runoff meant the plant only wanted 600 ppm of the nutes and ditched the rest, So I didn't know I was overfeeding.
But I spose it doesn't work that way :)


Well-Known Member
Nope u can't measure soil run off ppm do to much crap being in the water once it runs thru soil..