Question on aerating water

I plan to start my first grow in a few months and I'm trying to get everything down beforehand. I'm a total noob so any help would be appreciated. Will it be okay to have say 2 storage bins, fill them with spring water, cut holes in the top and run tubes from a 2 outlet air pump, 1 into each bin (via a hole cut in the top). Also, after the first two weeks when I start feeding. Can I mix my nutrients for the week into the reservoir and let it sit as long as its airated? seems like this would save a lot of labor, not having to mix in nutes every watering. I'm using the FF Trio and Molasses so say at the start of week 3 in one bin say 5 gallons in each bin at a time. In bin 1 I will mix 1/4 teaspoon of Grow Big and 1 Tablespoon of Big Bloom per gallon into the reservoir and that will be my every other day water to water the plants with (it says to use a little with EVERY watering)? The other bin will be for feeding and I will mix 1/4 strength of nutes in per gallon to start and I will water from this been every other watering? Then for week 4 I would mix 1/2 teaspoon grow big and 2 tablespoons of big bloom per gallon for regular waterings, getting to full servings at week 5 before flowering (autoflower strains so I may have to adjust this)? And for feeding go 1/2 strength per gallon in the 2nd reservoir, mix enough for the week, and keep increasing week by week until flowering? I will be following the FF feeding schedule for the most part. Main things I'm unsure about is if I can mix nutes into my reservoir for the week and let it sit... and if I should be adding small amounts of nutes per gallon every watering after 2 weeks (per FFs instructions)? Also how should I mix in the molasses and how much?

New Member
Will it be okay to have say 2 storage bins, fill them with spring water, cut holes in the top and run tubes from a 2 outlet air pump, 1 into each bin (via a hole cut in the top).
Exactly how it should be done. You should also include an air stone at the end of each tube. They are available at most hydro stores as well as all fish/aquarium stores.

Seems like this would save a lot of labor, not having to mix in nutes every watering.
You should also get 2 small water pumps and put 1 in each of your resevoirs. You want you nutrient solution to always be moving as well as aerated. This ensures the nutrient solution does start seperating into solids and settling on the bottom. It also makes sure your nutrient mixture is well mixed.

I'm using the FF Trio and Molasses so say at the start of week 3 in one bin say 5 gallons in each bin at a time. In bin 1 I will mix 1/4 teaspoon of Grow Big and 1 Tablespoon of Big Bloom per gallon into the reservoir and that will be my every other day water to water the plants with (it says to use a little with EVERY watering)? The other bin will be for feeding and I will mix 1/4 strength of nutes in per gallon to start and I will water from this been every other watering? Then for week 4 I would mix 1/2 teaspoon grow big and 2 tablespoons of big bloom per gallon for regular waterings. And for feeding go 1/2 strength per gallon in the 2nd reservoir and mix enough for the week?
You are a little confused here it sounds like. Grow Big, and Big Bloom are also fertilizers (feeding) so you would be separating those 2 nutes from the other ones why?

If you are dead set on having two different reservoirs, mix all your nutes/fertilizers/boosters/molasses in the same reservoir. In the other one just have plain water.

It sounds like you are growing in soil (correct me if im wrong) so you could go back and forth watering 1 day with the nutes, and the next day with the plain water.

That's a little more work than you need to do though.

Why don't you just get a bigger resevoir (say 10 gallons) mix all your nutes in there, use that to feed your plants everyday (or however often they need watering). Use a milder nutrient mixture since you will only be using these to feed the plants.

Then the week before you go into flower, water with just plain water to wash out all the left behind salts, and remove all the veg nutes to get ready for the bloom nutes.

Then feed 3 - 4 weeks during bloom with your nutes, maybe flush for a few days in the 5th week, and start feeding them again. Then depending on your strain start flushing around the 7th week (for 8 to 9 week strains) 10th week (for 12 week strains).

Using this process should cut down on labor, as well as help to keep your plants healthy and wanting more nutes.

Also how should I mix in the molasses and how much?
A teaspoon per gallon should be about right. I would suggest pouring it extremely slowly into the inlet of you circulating water pump, this will allow the molasses to mix better with the water. If you pour it in all at once, it's going to sink right to the bottom, and not mix well at all.


Well-Known Member
well i will say,for me use FF NUTES,with an air stone,makes the nute mix nasty/gunky.
i do not think,that FFnutes air made with airation in mind.

but do try for your self,it is the best way to find out.
Exactly how it should be done. You should also include an air stone at the end of each tube. They are available at most hydro stores as well as all fish/aquarium stores.

You should also get 2 small water pumps and put 1 in each of your resevoirs. You want you nutrient solution to always be moving as well as aerated. This ensures the nutrient solution does start seperating into solids and settling on the bottom. It also makes sure your nutrient mixture is well mixed.

You are a little confused here it sounds like. Grow Big, and Big Bloom are also fertilizers (feeding) so you would be separating those 2 nutes from the other ones why?

If you are dead set on having two different reservoirs, mix all your nutes/fertilizers/boosters/molasses in the same reservoir. In the other one just have plain water.

It sounds like you are growing in soil (correct me if im wrong) so you could go back and forth watering 1 day with the nutes, and the next day with the plain water.

That's a little more work than you need to do though.

Why don't you just get a bigger resevoir (say 10 gallons) mix all your nutes in there, use that to feed your plants everyday (or however often they need watering). Use a milder nutrient mixture since you will only be using these to feed the plants.

Then the week before you go into flower, water with just plain water to wash out all the left behind salts, and remove all the veg nutes to get ready for the bloom nutes.

Then feed 3 - 4 weeks during bloom with your nutes, maybe flush for a few days in the 5th week, and start feeding them again. Then depending on your strain start flushing around the 7th week (for 8 to 9 week strains) 10th week (for 12 week strains).

Using this process should cut down on labor, as well as help to keep your plants healthy and wanting more nutes.

A teaspoon per gallon should be about right. I would suggest pouring it extremely slowly into the inlet of you circulating water pump, this will allow the molasses to mix better with the water. If you pour it in all at once, it's going to sink right to the bottom, and not mix well at all.
Thanks man that helped a lot. I am going to use two because I plan to feed every other watering. Here is where I'm confused FF says to mix small amount of Grow Big and Big Bloom in with EVERY watering during veg. 1tsp and 1tbs per gallon EVERY watering, not heavy feedings... so when should I start this? week 3? So I'll have my heavy feeding bin for the week and my bin that is for only waterings mix 1/4 tsps and 1 tbs per gallon to start at week 3 or right away? I'm using FF Ocean Forest so I'm guessing I should bring in ANY nutes for at least 2 weeks
well i will say,for me use FF NUTES,with an air stone,makes the nute mix nasty/gunky.
i do not think,that FFnutes air made with airation in mind.

but do try for your self,it is the best way to find out.
So should I just aerate the water and mix nutes in as needed for feedings? or not aerate water at all just mix nutes and use a water pump?

New Member
well i will say,for me use FF NUTES,with an air stone,makes the nute mix nasty/gunky.
i do not think,that FFnutes air made with airation in mind.
I havent used FF nutes like that for a long time, so I really can't remember how it reacts to the aeration.

But as a rule of thumb, nutrients that are labeled as ok for hydroponic use are usually the best to use in a reservoir system.


Well-Known Member
FF OF has a TON of nutrients in it be default. So you don't really need to use any for the first 2 - 4 weeks you plants are in it depending on the strain, and how often you water.
thats good info,if you plan on growing an (f1)with high vigor,then you will need to use "some"nutes.
as with clones,it really comes down too vigor.

New Member
thats good info,if you plan on growing an (f1)with high vigor,then you will need to use "some"nutes.
as with clones,it really comes down too vigor.
Well said.

In the end almost everything depends on the strain you're growing. Information that applies to one strain sometimes is completely opposite to the information that would apply to another strain.

As much as growing marijuana is a science, it also just as much an art that takes practice.
Ok thanks everyone for the help... I'll probably just use 1 reservoir for my water and mix nutes in as needed, probably better off doing that for my first grow anyway. Now for my last question. Can I have 1 reservoir with just water/molasses and use that every watering and feed every other watering? Also what would be the best way to mix nutes in? pour and shake in a jug or something?


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks everyone for the help... I'll probably just use 1 reservoir for my water and mix nutes in as needed, probably better off doing that for my first grow anyway. Now for my last question. Can I have 1 reservoir with just molasses and use that every watering and feed every other watering? Also what would be the best way to mix nutes in? pour and shake in a jug or something?
you can have one bucket just for molasses,youll just have to clean your air stones if you use them,
and it can get a lil frothie the first day.


Well-Known Member
You have lots of excellent advice in this thread but i feel i need to add some things.

This is gonna be a long post but hang in there,i wish members would take more time explaining things to help new growers learn.

First off where the member said ff nutes will scum up when airaited,he is 100% correct but missing a little info,in a dwc system or airation res like you propose ff will turn to pure scum fast,this mainly happens where there is no flowing water like in a flood table,the more water flow the less scum,also nutrients that are constantly airaited are far more likely to be effected by iron fall out,this happens in systems that are constantly airaited & to a further degree in systems like mine where magnetic drive pumps run much of the time,you need experience to see iron fall out & its effect on plants or you will miss the symptom or mis diagnose the problem.

Now for your choice in soil,you need to keep in mind that those types soil are made for the experienced grower,or for the grower who takes a hands off approach to growing,the built in micro nutes will end up causing problems with many new growers.

Ok now on to vigor,another member posted that plant vigor is what dictates everything & without a doubt this is the best advice you recieved,if i may expand a bit on vigor.

Being able to look at your plants & know what nutrient they require based soley on what the plant looks like is a skill most lack,if you want to be a good grower who gets steady & reliable harvests this skill is a must have,sadly reading your post you do not posses this skill as of yet but have no fear,you will but you need to stop a few things.

First you have way over thought a new grow,only a very experienced grower can set up a feed schedule at the start of a grow,and then the feeding schedule depends on strain & plant vigor,the grower needs to change nutes as the plant needs different nutes,not by a manufacturer chart,using pre fertilized soil along side a manufacturer feed schedule allmost allways leads to nute problems.

If i was in your shoes i'd rethink the grow,the 1st thing i'd change would be the soil,i strongly feel those type soils keep growers from seeing what the plant needs,i'd use an off the shelf soil with no nutrients in it,then i'd forget any hydro fertilizer,most are not full service nutes & require plant knowlege to use properly,substitute a good economy fertilizer like Peters or Jacks,or even Miracle grow all purpose,with any of these u'd mix at 1/8 strength.

I would amend the soil with 30% perlite & start growing,then once in heavy veg fertilize one time,then in early bud fertilize again then about 3 weeks later in heavy bud fertilize one last time,after that wait & chop.

Anything more & your setting yourself up for learning backwards,what i mean is this,you've planned the soil which is heavily laden with nutrients,you've chosen a fertilizer that requires exact doses & multiple mixing tables in order to be a full range nute,you've even planned how often to feed & at what doses or ppm,all this planning causes most growers to learn about heavy nutrient burn,nutrient lock out,flushing out nutes,water logged plants showing nitro overload ect,this method only hampers long term learning.

Start off slow using only the extreme basic materials,then once your skills grow you will know by looking at the plant how to feed it,you'll know exactly what ppm to feed the plant as well as knowing when to let things alone.

Your planning way too much without having the ability to judge plant vigor,this is why i said that member gave you the best advice beacuse every last question you asked depends soley on what the plant looks like,how its responding to feeding & watering,overall plant health ect,again vigor is where your learning should start & something that cant be learned through study.