Question on attic grows


Active Member
Hey all, I was wondering, I live in an old house in the city. The attic has a bunch of exposed insulation. Is this harmful for plants?


Well-Known Member
get a grow tent and bang that up there a lot easier to control the enviroment get a carbon filter for heat and smell and a mini oil filled radiator if it gets cold at night + rep if i have been of help


Well-Known Member
The insulation will be fine. If you kick it around, trample on it or disturb it at all you'll end up with a lot of dust in the air, so that's about the only thing to worry about.

I'd also recommend a grow tent. When you set it all up, try not to disturb the dust up there too much. I don't know what your attic is like but ours was absolutely caked in brick / mortar dust and other stuff. You don't want to breath all that shit in, or the glass fibers from the insulation wool. Maybe hoover up around where the tent will be going and then leave it to settle for a while; a day or two maybe. Dust mask would be an idea.

Set your tent up to pull in fresh air from around it and then dump it out into the house if possible. That'll stop your roof looking suspiciously hot through a helicopters IR camera. With a good carbon filter you won't smell anything.

Also have a think about what the climate is like around you. Before investing cash, put a thermometer in the attic and check out the temperature ranges. If it's 25C+ up there during the day, you'll need to really get your cooling sorted out to avoid heat stressing the plants when the lamps come on. If it can drop below 10C, you'll then want to think about a radiator (as suggested above). If it gets too cold, the growth rate will go down and you'll get chill burns on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
thanks 4 the rep dude i was just saying a grow tent as thats what i have in my attic and reallly happy with it


Active Member
i would agree if its rolled insulation that you would be fine but if its blown in insulation you asking for trouble you would need air circulation blowing things around and that stirs up alot of shit not to mention attics get hot and requires alot of air exchange which means more fans either way personally i would go ahead and seal up everything that way it saves on heating and cooling for your house and provides extra cleanness to your grow area

just my thoughts ps by the way i grow in a attic


Active Member
yeah it is rolled insulation, and i'm kinda lucky as well. i live in an old house and the attic hasn't been used in a long time because its not really suitable for living(no electricity... yet, and dust/dirt all over) . recently i've cleaned it out and started planning out the grow room. the reason i'm lucky is because i can just take the insulation out of the boards in the ceiling directly over my grow and nobody will ever know. my landlord has instructed us to just leave the attic be because of how dirty it is. he has never once looked through our house, let alone the basement or attic. we've seen him maybe twice since we've lived here (about 4 months lol) so i basically have free reign over the entire attic. and theres PLENTY of room to grow. could be a full scale operation if i had the money (definitely don't). thanks for the input all


Well-Known Member
stray has a good point about the dust being sucked into your tent. Even if you're really careful, you'll probably kick some of it up walking around up there. With things like cooltubes on your lamps, some of that might end up getting sucked onto the glass and lower it's efficiency. I doubt it'll be an issue, but you could always work out something. Are there any windows or holes up there? You could run some ducting over to them as your air inlets and get some good circulation going. Or put a cheap dust filter on the air inlets to the tent.

A bigger issue, even if your landlord doesn't turn up often, you should always try to be as secure as you possibly can be. Have a think about whether there's some really smart way you could jam the loft hatch shut.

Ideally, you want it to look like it's stuck if someone calls round to check something, but not like you've put a lock on it or screwed it shut. Maybe some kind of string operated lock on the inside you can open from somewhere else?