Question on DIY aero cloner


Well-Known Member
So I'm going to build an aero cloner, question is what size pump you guys think I would need in a 24 site cloner? Thanks in advance!

There are 2 main types of aero cloner,

the waterpump method spraying water over the stem tips

and the air pump way, of blowing air thru the water, or bubble cloner

I prefer the latter, easier to keep clean, and no blockages, and silent almost

ur answer depends on the size of ur rubbermaid

or the volume of water you need to move

to my blog on the diy bubble cloner:
My sprayers worked for a little bit. Now I have trouble with them stop spinning.

I took a plastic coffee can, put holes in the lid, dropped an air stone in, some water, and cuttings. Worked fine but I should have made larger holes which makes it harder to keep the cuttings from falling in
a pump from harbor freight wouldwork. run some pex tubing with the mini sprayers from lowes. I run my pump for 1/2 an hour every 3 1/2 hours and have no problems getting roots to start. that way your not listening to a pump all day. just make sure water is hitting each clone site.