question on dry/cure

you know they did studies on jamacian people who had been smoking their whole lives, no lung cancer, no emphasema, only a few minor cases of bronchitis here and there.

cannabis may have more 'tar', but the tar doesn't stick in your lungs, you cough it out, your lungs stay normal.

ciggs on the other hand, you don't cough, the tar sticks into your lungs. and they have radio-active materials in ciggs. so essentially you'll have radioactive material sticking into your lungs.
anyone who refuses to to open thier eyes to the dangers of inhaling any smoke is a moron

MJ is worse than ciggerett smoke only difference is one gets you high and the other dosent.

Edit: no personal attacks.
Bullshit. Thats what they want you to believe so they can keep it illegal. All my uncles and aunts on my father's side have been smoking weed for 40 + years. Some over 50 years. No effects. On the other hand, my mother's sisters and brothers were all cig smokers. Guess where they are? The proof is in what I've seen, not what I read.
Your getting your info from the lame stream media.

If its worse than ciggs why are you growing that harmful stuff around your family um sure theres chemicals and guns laying around don't forget your co2 tanks lol