Question on estimated yield


Active Member
I've grown single plants for a while, not to smoke per say it was more of a hobby/ house plant deal for laughs but now opportunity has presented myself with space, supplies and finances where I'd like to start growing around three lb's a month.

Does anyone know on average as to what I'd need to be growing to get that kind of yield?

I know one plant when dried can get you on averaged 3-5 ounces, that would make it anywhere between 9ish to 15 plants but I just figured that may be off a tad.

so to sum it up, I want to grow three pounds a month, how many plants would I need to achieve the yield desired?


Well-Known Member
all together including seedlings, the ones in veg, and the ones in flower some where around. like 100 lol maybe more to turn 3 Ls a month.


Active Member
if you want to get 3 pounds a month youd have to go with the perpetual harvest where u have plants vegging and budding at the same time all in diferent stages and every 2 weeks you cycle them in blocks. id say ud need minimal 3 1000w hps's in your flower room. then another 1-2 for veggy. and just start the cycle. it takes a lil while to get her goin but after shes up and you dont run into any severe snags its totally obtainable. just always make sure your moms are healthy cuz thats the gene pool holder.


Well-Known Member
three pounds a month is too high to go for.. especially for it being your first upscaled attempt.. id say.. start with 50 plants.. seedlings and or clones.... youll be happy with the outcome but it wont be no 3 pounds a month! you'd near dual setups for flowering and vegging and have a constant roation of plants IN and OUT.. it would be a master set up! let me know what you decide to do!


Active Member
well i have three 400 watt hps metal halide grow lights with enough mylar 2mil sheet to cover the room i'm considering using. I have right now 4 individual hydroponic systems, more can be bought money isn't really the issue, and two pro's to help me along the way I just wanted an averaged jist if not for three lb's a month then two at the least, upscaling isn't a issue it's just a matter of whether I have the room or not, its 12 feet by 6 roughly.

I've heard a plant growing for about 2 months if grown efficiently can yield a pound or so, if I synchronize growth in separate plants, Could I eventually get my ideal 2 pounds per month?
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Well-Known Member
That is a lot of work to maintain dude. BTW...unless your buddies have more info about growing so many plants I wouldn't go for it all at once with their advice. find some mothers you like and go from there....I say try to get 20 clones a month and build from there. If you wanna add more plants to the cycle then it's easy. You need to think If you have all that shit in place though...then go for it...2 or 3 pounds a month could be so nice! :blsmoke:


Active Member
I have experiance of growing amounts like this and belive me its not easy and not cheap. Its more about the amount of wattage you have rather than anything else. I would say you will need about 4k wats in the flowering room and about 2-3 in the veg. Plus cloning and seeding lights and all of the other fans pumps ect you hare going to be the electric companies best friend.

It is posible but if you are in an urban area i would not bother. You would need a small farm building in the middle of nowear.


Well-Known Member
Let us know the size of the room you are working with; it may be feasible but you need quite a bit of space and those 400's aren't gonna cut it for flowering, you will need atleast 3 1000w lamps for that; you will need to stick all 3 400's in your veg room. It isn't the hardest thing to get 4-5 oz off of a single plant but trying to replicate that on 20 plants in the same room is very difficult, you will also need CO2 for sure, which is another difficulty and expense.


Well-Known Member
Indoors you would need enough space for about 100 plants in flower at all times in a SOG. Obviously a separate cloning/mother/veg space would be needed. You could get away with probably 10'x10' floor space imo for both.

Have the harvesting/cloning on a 2 week or 1 month rotation with new plants from the veg space moving into the flowering space every rotation.


Active Member
I've heard a plant growing for about 2 months if grown efficiently can yield a pound or so, if I synchronize growth in separate plants, Could I eventually get my ideal 2 pounds per month?
in reality its not the number plants being grown but the setup they are in an the amount of light they get. sure you could grow one plant an get a pound off it, but it would take a 1000 watt light under optimal conditions for the one plant to get that lb. id say if you dont have the experience start off with goals that arent so high and work your way up and every one will get better and better.:blsmoke:

orginal sinner

New Member
well i have three 400 watt hps metal halide grow lights with enough mylar 2mil sheet to cover the room i'm considering using. I have right now 4 individual hydroponic systems, more can be bought money isn't really the issue, and two pro's to help me along the way I just wanted an averaged jist if not for three lb's a month then two at the least, upscaling isn't a issue it's just a matter of whether I have the room or not, its 12 feet by 6 roughly.

I've heard a plant growing for about 2 months if grown efficiently can yield a pound or so, if I synchronize growth in separate plants, Could I eventually get my ideal 2 pounds per month?
are you out of your mind? 1 400 mh bulb is good to veg mabey 4 decient size plants . but in order to flower proper youd need hps. and your max harvest will be about 1/2 the watts. so 400 watts = 200 grams. thats not nearly a lb and you wont even get that much. there is info on this question all over the iinternet. i suggest doing more research.good luck


Well-Known Member
sinner, thank god someone realises that the equiptment is not good enough... gettin gapound off of one plant is highly unlikely but it ispossible if you concentrate taht light on just her!!


Well-Known Member
This dude never said that what he had was all he would be using, he did say that money wasn't a problem. All of you guys are immediately railing against him without giving any decent info. Maybe this guy has the money and time to pull something like this off. He certainly wouldn't be the first to do it. a few 1000 watt lamps maybe a light mover or two and an appropriate sized room atleast 10x10 for flowering and maybe 5x5 for vegging and some good nutes and soil and he should be on his way. If he has the space, the money, and time this is very doable. He may not hit it on his first grow, but he can get it going and within 2 or three he could be right on the mark. I for one hope you didn't all scare him off with your instant negativity on the subject.


Well-Known Member
first off.. we are not "railing" against anyone.. he asked a question so we gave an asnwer best to OUR knowledge... this site isnt about bickering over blah blah blah... so before you jump back on your high horse just think that maybe we were telling him that!!!


Active Member
Lol, everyone needs to smoke some weed and chill.

no ones doing anything, heres what's happened in my eyes.

I said what I had, what I wanted to do and what my Ideas were, and asked people how it could be done, and if it was feasible, I know nothing about growing besides this little house beauty ive been keeping as a normal house plant for a while now so I just wanted to see where I stood, obviously I was very very uninformed.

on the bright side im reading this book called, Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor-Outdoor Medical Growers Bible.

I'll get back when i've learned up the trade I want to get into lol. thank's for the responses though, I hope to show you my first successful attempt some day.