Question on Feeding??!!


Active Member
What resevoir are u talking about? arent u in soil ? Anyway, 7.0 is a bit high but not overly high, you should shot for 6.8 to 6.5 Ph going in (water and nutes)and a runoff of no less then 6.3

Matt Rize

the answer is yes. drop the pH (in you res) to triple what you want it to be. so if you are at pH 7, and want to get to pH 6.5, you will have to water with 5.5 pH water for three waterings (about). this should bring your soil solution down, but if your media wants to be at 7 you will have to keep this in mind.


thanks for the help. what do you mean if my media wants to be at 7.0 ? i've drop the PH in my tank but it keeps going back to 6.8 7.0