question on flowering i start my week count from when it showed sex or?


Well-Known Member
was wondering when do i start counting how many days its been in flower? is it from the first say i started 12/12 or was it 2 weeks later when i noticed the first pistils shooting out? any help would be greatly appreciated thankx


Well-Known Member
Start your count from the day you switched to 12/12/ then watch your trichs at 9 weeks for most indica's. And yes harvest when your trichs are what you want for a high.


Well-Known Member
i start counting the day i flip the switch because that is when the plant starts counting. it puts out flowers within a week and finished buds in about 7 or 8.


Well-Known Member
One of the hardest things for me to learn when i was new was exactly when the plant was ripe. Trichomes are a good indicator but not the only one. Yellowing fan leaves, no new buds forming, maximum number of trichs, and I like my trichs all cloudy with a few amber here and there. Hope this helps. Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do for counting your flower period, imo just be consistent for your future grows. For me, since my first grow, I pretty much veg for 30 days, then into 12/12. When I go to 12/12, becomes my first day of flower. For me, typically I veg for 30 days, and I know most of the time, my plants are ready to harvest right around day 95 of flower.

I think counting when you first hit 12/12 is the easiest.