Question on GH flora nutrients the GH calculater. Whats your PPM schedule?

I have a question on these nutrients from people that use them. I have 23 clones that are rooting right now and I have will be putting them in my ebb & flow hydro system in a week. I just went to the calculater. for my 25 gallon res tank. it said I would be starting them at 440 ppm for the first week and then 1010 for the second and the 1390 during the transition stage? This seems alittle high PPM but I do not know. Do you people follow this calculater?? I will be using flora grow, micro, bloom, and floralisious Plus nutrients. What PPM do you use at what schedule?????????? Thanks and +reps


Well-Known Member
I used GH nutes for about 5 years. For starters, cut all figures found on their website in half. So start out at 220ppm, 500ppm, 700ppm.

All in all start low, you want them leaves to be standing up wanting that light. Keep up'ing your ppm's until you see the outer edge of the leafs showing nutrient burn. Back of a bit and then go from there.
I used GH nutes for about 5 years. For starters, cut all figures found on their website in half. So start out at 220ppm, 500ppm, 700ppm.

All in all start low, you want them leaves to be standing up wanting that light. Keep up'ing your ppm's until you see the outer edge of the leafs showing nutrient burn. Back of a bit and then go from there.
So you are saying I should start at 500 the second week and then 700 the third? and then up to around a or 900 until I flower? I will be using kool bloom too.


Well-Known Member
I don't really have a schedule but I do not follow the directions on the bottle. I use the 1-1-1 ratio for veg and the 1-2-3 ratio for flower. I start at 100 ppm for newly sprouted seedlings - increase by 100 each week until I reach around 900 or so - I never go over 900 on the .7 scale.


Well-Known Member
i use GH products...

first i dont go by PPM as it varries depending on the type of meter you use... that will help explain what i mean..

so as far as ec goes i started my seedlings/cuttings at around .4/.6 ec... now that they are growing i keep it around 1.4/1.6... i let it drop a little when i add any new plants to the mix.. maybe down to .8/1.0.. but i make sure they have good roots before i put them in... when it comes time to flower ill prolly keep around .6/.8 during the transition and then increase it to 1.4/1.6 during heavy flowering...

ec is much more accurate since you never know what ppm they are going by...