question on planting in pots and transplanting to outside

i have my seeds germinating and they are almost ready to plant . the soil is ready and sitting in light i have set up in a cab . now my question is should i water the soil before i stick the seeds in? or right after? or should i wait awhile before i water? they are only in this cab temporarily. how many weeks should i keep them in the cab before i transplant outside and whats the best method and time of day to do this? im in new england area much appreciation for some advice


Well-Known Member
When I was a super noob, im just a regular noob now.

But back in the dizzle I used to germinate and i sware it messes them up somehow. I would germinate them on a plate with two black shirts on the plate and the seeds would germinate and I would plant them once the root started forming.

Now I just stick the seed in the pot full of soil and just water it every few days. The less you mess with the seedlings the better. just let them do there thang.
thanks man. i already started to germinate them hopefully they work out good . i soaked a paper towel folded it up and put it between 2 little deep dishes i have and placed it on my tv box seems to be working so far


Well-Known Member
I would water the soil first when you are ready to place the germ'd seed in. Then poke the little hole, drop the seed in (not too deep) and sprinkle a little bit of soil over it.

I know they say not to pre-germ seeds, but I just HAVE to see when and if the seed actually germinate. Just a bad habit that I do even though I know its not the best way.


Well-Known Member
you''ll see a little white ass on the seed... thats where the root comes out, pointy part goes up.

what I was saying though is don't germinate them at all... I had these little cup things that I started first then transplanted by cutting the whole cup out and placing it in my pot..

Im pretty sure this stunts the root growth, but hell I have 4 females that are starting to flower after only a month.. almost 2 months old.. im using foxfarm.
i have planted the seeds on friday and 3 out of 5 have already popped through so im pretty stoked about this. im doing 18/6 for light and its working great.


Well-Known Member
Wet the soil thoroughly before planting the seeds, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch down.

Cover the seeds, and then gently spray/sprinkle a little more, to settle the soil around the seed.

You can soak the seeds for a few hours first, but I don't think it is necessary.

Plant one seed per pot, unless you have a bunch of seeds of older, less viable stock.

In that case, I'll plant two per peat pot.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
north pine is wrong the white part is the tap root cracking through the seed hull. it goes DOWN. water your soil just a bit. poke you a little hole about a 1/2 inch deep and put the germ seed in with the taproot down. cover with soil and water JUST A BIT more. I wait till i get 3 jagged leaf sets. dont count the first set of round leaf lets and transplant.


Well-Known Member
north pine is wrong the white part is the tap root cracking through the seed hull. it goes DOWN. water your soil just a bit. poke you a little hole about a 1/2 inch deep and put the germ seed in with the taproot down. cover with soil and water JUST A BIT more. I wait till i get 3 jagged leaf sets. dont count the first set of round leaf lets and transplant.
I said pointy part up, not white hole up.


Active Member
I just plant the seeds then water. If the seed is good it will grow. Pre germing is just something else I can do to F it up.
I plant mine thumbnail deep then water then cover the seed with soil. Simple easy and It works 95% of the time. The other 5% was bad seed.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
sorry dude i wasnt trying to bash you or bring you out. i just always put the white pointy tap root down. 98% success rate for sure.
north pine is wrong the white part is the tap root cracking through the seed hull. it goes DOWN. water your soil just a bit. poke you a little hole about a 1/2 inch deep and put the germ seed in with the taproot down. cover with soil and water JUST A BIT more. I wait till i get 3 jagged leaf sets. dont count the first set of round leaf lets and transplant.
thanks man i appreciate the ifo i did pretty much exactly what and so far its worked great 3 already broke through and have 2 round leafs