what is the height of the room
need for math figures LxWxH cubic foot of air ....this tells us how much u have to move (some do it every 5mins refresh the air i am a lover of the over kill factor i would go 1 min or 45 secs ..allows u to keep the ac on a lower cooling setting) ....just know u are changing the air flow in your house for a few weeks someone might sneeze or something from stuff getting kicked up
as for the air cooled hoods ......some of the systems if not most have a heat senor that will kill the fan to prevent it from getting damaged from heat (the inline fans not the booster can fans) ......for this reason i would alter where u have the fan system put it in the middle of the 2 lights so one is suck and one is blow instead of 2 sucking the heat builds up
the 6 inch fan is mainly for removing IR heat build up on the leaves of the plant ....plus it keeps the air moving around
what the guy said above me ....add on this
put it on the wood then spray paint it all flat black ......inside make sure u seal the window frame to the board other wise insects will come in ......but that vent is spring loaded when u turn off it will close ..when it is on the force of a 6 inch inline fan is more then enough to keep anything out of the lines
and if u do not need a carbon filter or care about the smell u still need a bug screen or dust shroom
Thanks for your response brother. My room is 8' high.
Thanks for the product suggestions, but I'm curious if you meant for the white vent to be throw on inside connecting to the first lamp, or to the vent outside through the window?
What you said about the 6" fan makes a lot of sense, and I've already made the adjustment.