Question on the process of taking clones from a Dispensary into my Hydro Garden


Active Member
I am currently in the process of setting up my first hydro garden and I have a question. I am planning on using and ebb and flow setup with rockwool as my growing medium.

The problem I having in planning this setup is that the clones that are sold at my local dispensaries are sold in soil. I am not sure how to utilize the fact that I can buy clones at a dispensary (in soil) when I plan on growing in rockwool. I know I could grow from seeds and/or create mothers and get clones from those to plant in rockwool. However, my grow space is limited and I would prefer to be able to buy clones from a dispensary when I need them and put them straight into rockwool in my garden.

Are there dispensaries that sell clones in rockwool? There are only a couple of dispensaries in my area, but I could travel a couple hours to get to an area with plenty of dispensaries. Its hard to get information about clones from dispensaries over the phone (for good reason), so I'm trying to get an idea if what I'm shooting for is possible or not.



Active Member
Ask your local desp if they'll clone some in wool for you. maybe they will, and you'll be connected to a neighborhood business ( a good thing in my book). If not, You can easily take the soil clones and place them in Hydroton thats in seperate tubs. If you make small holes in gallon tubs, and place clones the tub in a gallon of hydroton, you wont get much soil into your system. I wouldnt reccomend any type of net pots however. Just lightly rinse off the excess Mud ( I soak my roots in a bucket of ph'd water when transplanting out of soil) and gently lay the roots in the bucket and fill with hydroton. No worries, Ive used peat pellets a bunch in the same setup I use cubes. Anyhow, thats my remedy. Mj is a weed, and if you are careful, rinsing and moving roots and repotting doesnt have to be a huge nightmare. Just make sure you got your nutes and vitb ready. Happy growing!



Well-Known Member
I have this same exact problem with the clones I have gotten . What I did was carefully pull clone out of cup and gently massage the roots trying to remove as much of the soil by hand as possible. I then rinse the roots under cool running water to remove the rest of the soil. Place in the hole in the Rockwool blocks. You might have to hand feed the blocks for a couple days until the roots start to grow a bit. You might need to get the round rockwool plugs with a slit in them so you can hold your clone up to fit in the hole. Some people clone in Rapid Rooters and these will fit in the hole just fine. Also , remember to cover the blocks with Panda film so you won't get algea on the blocks.