Question on when to harvest ?

For some years now, I've always wait till my buds are mostly amber in color before harvesting to set out to dry. This has always given me a strong head high, or what some may call couch lock. But now that I've moved on in years, I need something more for old fart pains........ so what or when could anyone please tell me when should I cut them off to be best for a body high rather then a head high..... I have always just wanted strong shit in the past. but how do I achieve this type of high? Dose it have to do when harvesting or is it that I have to grow a lesser THC gene? Thanks folks for any feed back... or is there any where that I can read about this on the web? Thank you


bud bootlegger
imvho, if you want a body high, grow an indica, or indica dom. strain, and if you want a head high, grow a sativa..

i'm a believer in that the different color trics are doesn't really effect the type of high you get from the bud, just one is premature and one is not.. i always prefer to grow the type of high i'm after by growing that type of plant, either indica or sativa, and growing it to maturity..
my $.02
Mr. Racerboy71, your thought (.02) goes along with most of what I been seeing on the web by experienced growers. I real appreciate it, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Makes good sense.
Why try to make an apple into an orange.
Just grow a daytime and a night time.
And a lunch time, brunch Ect


Well-Known Member
I too am a firm believer in the school of growing sativa or sativa dominant strains for the racy/head high and indica or indica dominant strains for a true couchlock high.

Clear trichomes = Immature

Cloudy/Milky trichomes = Mature

Amber trichomes are nothing but a sign of the THC degrading to CBN,not to be confused with CBD.