Question re budding


Well-Known Member
How soon into flowering should I expect to see some buds/trichs? My AF is approx 26 days into flower but shows no sign of budding. I'm concerned I may have a dud :( She's 53 days from seed.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean... it has no pistils or anything............ hmmm is the plant still growing like crazy cuz if it is it could mean that there is a light leak in your grow area. no way to really tell with out more details or a pic


Well-Known Member
Flowering and no trichs? or buds? D: I think you might have a dud then, are you sure you switched to some lower kelvin lights?


Well-Known Member
@beast, she has pistils, has had them for at least 2 weeks but their growth hasn't advanced since then. The pic below was taken last week when I was looking for advice on some issues I had with the leaves. Her flower today still looks the same. Light leaks aren't an issue but she's an autoflower so even if there were leaks, they shouldn't matter.

@derple, the light is a 125w dual spec cfl, currently the red side is above the plant.



Well-Known Member
ya considering your problem with her last week and trying to recover from that id say she looks a bit under developed, but nothin crazy


Well-Known Member
well it actually sounds like what gobskiii said about being under developed . the thing about cfls is you need a lot of them or at least good coverage of the plant, otherwise you'll be looking at a really drawn out grow meaning if it were to take 8 weeks on average for the plant you're growing to finish with sunlight then with insufficient lighting it could easily take 11 to 12 just to finish id say add a few more lights and watch her take off :)

not to mention that most plants tend to show more in the 5th week and bulk up in the seventh


Well-Known Member
Ah, cool. I appreciate the advice guys, thanks a mill! +Rep.
As you may have guessed, she's my first. :)

Re the cfl, I wish I could get more but I just can't afford to right now as I'm not working. So I guess I'll just have to be patient with my 1 bulb and my 1 plant :)


Well-Known Member
I have a similar bulb. You should be able to grow a plant from start to finish in that. I'm sorry I can't solve the problem from where I sit but I will say I liked what I saw and for the most part the plant looked ok. A little cupping of leaves, a little yellowing (mb the lighting when you snapped the pic) be patient and update this thread in a week or two I'll check back. On a personal note I love your avi it makes wanna touch


Well-Known Member
nice light and reflector guy, i say move it closer to your plant and you should be fine. cfl have low heat so you should be able to get it within 2 or 3 inches of your plant no prob. remember the closer the light is to your plants the less lumens are lost, meaning the more used by the plant, the sooner it'll finish and the thicker the buds will be cheers :)


Well-Known Member
ya i veg with 1 200w blue cfl , and during flower i have a 125w full spectrum as side lighting. works wonders without ever really worrying about super high temps.


Well-Known Member
just lower that cfl so it is an inch or so above the top. you have to adjust alot with cfls also to keep them real close.


Active Member
yea.. just a little stunted from previous problem ... can still see the messed up leaves . It should start kicking again soon ... I can see what looks like new growth ... just give her some time for recovery and she should still reward ya ......


Well-Known Member
Thanks again all for the advice. She's progressing nicely now, over the last few days her main cola and numerous bud sites sprouted more hairs so it's only a matter of time before we see crystals! :) I trimmed a number of the sick leaves too so maybe that's helped.

Re her distance from the cfl, it's usually only a few inches away but for the purposes of the pic, I hoisted it higher.

@Buds, she's mainly on a 12/12 cycle so not to worry there!

I can't WAIT to smoker her!!!!!! Bring on the f.u.b.a.r. ;)