Question regarding buying seeds, and payment methods

Im just to the point where idgaf anymore. I live in the bible belt in the US and i doubt itll ever be legal here. I come from a pot loving family and was exposed to it at an early age. Its normal to me. If i wanna grow 1 plant in my house for personal smoke then thats what ill fucking do and im tired of being scared about it. Alcohol, Pain Pills hell even McDonalds is more terrible of a drug then pot. If the feds or local cops have so much spare time that they wanna come bust me for my 1 plant then fuck em... But they better come strapped with a warrant or they aint coming in my house lol..

Lost respect.

You are putting yourself before your kids, more importantly you are putting a drug habit before your kids.

Fuck, man.


Again, I'd be embarrassed to admit that to anyone ever.

Spending money that should be used for food, clothing, medical, education, etc. is pulling them in.

Growing in the same house, illegally, is pulling them in.

Am I the only one with common sense?


Lol i own 36 rental properties.. I doubt that 30$ a month my childs mother pays is gonna determine whether she eats or not. Like i said its not like i used her diaper $ on seeds. It was the only visa i had on me at the time. Neither do i grow in the same house she lives in.. Marijuana is something ill never be ashamed of.
1. I dont give 2 fucks about your respect. 2. I put nothing before my daughter never said i did.
3. Your gd right i make her pay support. She had her and then abandoned her. She has $ to shoot dope everyday so she can help support her child regardless of what i make. If supporting your child is a strange concept for you then id say your the one putting your drug habits first huh
1. I dont give 2 fucks about your respect. 2. I put nothing before my daughter never said i did.
3. Your gd right i make her pay support. She had her and then abandoned her. She has $ to shoot dope everyday so she can help support her child regardless of what i make. If supporting your child is a strange concept for you then id say your the one putting your drug habits first huh

Ok, so my respect for you is nill and you're ok with that. With that said, how do feel about having no honour?

If you are growing illegally with your daughter living with you then you have put a drug habit before you're only child. No honour, whatsoever.

It sounds like you made a very poor decision in who you shot your seed into. The responsible action would be distance, and a man wouldn't have a woman pay child support if he can manage fine on his own.

i live all the way in Australia..illegal state..illegal to import seeds from over seas.

CC is no problem. Deal with a reputable seed bank like Midweek song, Attitude etc. Always go for stealth packaging and guaranteed delivery. America has some quality seed banks to if ur from there and means no customs and faster delivery but less choice.

Enjoy your new seeds and happy growing.

its likely illegal to import marijuana seeds for germination to any country, you ain t that special8)
hmmmm, I'm sensing conflicting information here. I'll take this as a solid maybe?

Of course lol. You have nothing to worry about. I live deep down south and I almost guarantee that we'll be the last state to legalize any type of marijuana lol. We would succeed from the US before legalizing it! I've used my CC and ordered from Nirvana last month. It took a while but it was worth it. The discreet packaging was EXCELLENT. You'll be fine brother.
So I am nervous about making my first purchase for seeds online. I'm looking for some reassurance and personal experiences, I am wondering if anyone here has experience with making payments online with their real credit card information? I'm in the US in a non legal state and near the Canadian border, am I safer to buy Canadian or??? (not sure if this is the right section for this question)
True North Seed Bank is Canadian and delivered to me fast
Ok, so my respect for you is nill and you're ok with that. With that said, how do feel about having no honour?

If you are growing illegally with your daughter living with you then you have put a drug habit before you're only child. No honour, whatsoever.

It sounds like you made a very poor decision in who you shot your seed into. The responsible action would be distance, and a man wouldn't have a woman pay child support if he can manage fine on his own.

Mind your own keyboard warrior
At 27 years old?
and no other CC but 36 rentals..?

I was hoping someone else caught that. I think I might have hurt his feels, and judging by dab's response he must have done the same thing.

Just buy pants that are one or two sizes too big and they'll grow into them, right?
I was hoping someone else caught that. I think I might have hurt his feels, and judging by dab's response he must have done the same thing.

Just buy pants that are one or two sizes too big and they'll grow into them, right?
Stay positive asshole :peace:
Your attacking poor jim for no good reason just assumptions

Dude, no more dabs for you tonight. There wasn't a single assumption, period. I mean, the writing is on the e-wall.

He plainly admitted, embarrassingly enough, that he spent his only child's child support money on marijuana seeds. Yet, he claims to own thirty-seven rental properties and he doesn't have another credit card.

Then he openly admitted he has a child with a crack whore, and he makes her pay him child support while he claims to make enough money to take care of his kid on his own.

I'm not sorry, where I come from men don't do that.

Stay positive asshole :peace:

If you didn't smoke yourself silly you would have been able to read what was written and that would have prevented you from making the obtuse comment that I was only working on assumptions when he openly admitted everything.

If the shoe fits, lace that bitch up.
