Question regarding DWC stages of growth and PPM levels.


Active Member
Hello again. Basically I have been learning more and more and trying to put all of the knowledge and tools into action but I am struggling to find specific info regarding ppm levels throughout plant growth stages. Now that I have finally got a grasp on what ppm's are, I have a question every time I take a new step. Obviously as your plants get larger the PPM's need to increase but by how much and for how long? Obviously you don't want to burn your babies so I'm wondering if there is a basic chart or rule of thumb to guide you through the weeks. Thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
Generally when you buy nutes it comes with a feeding schedule and you should start with 1/4 strength of what the bottle says after the 3rd node. Then work your way up to 1/2 strength and maybe eventually full strength it depends on the plant and its individual needs. Some may burn while others do not at the same strength.


Active Member
I understand that nutrient brands have their suggested measurements but it ML or by teaspoon and does not include PPM levels. Not to mention if you are not supposed to feed them at the suggested levels that really effects what an accurate ppm level is. Maybe I'm making this way more difficult than it needs to be?