Question?? Sexing

Hey Lud,

Thanks for the info.... i had read most of that info, but the genetics part was interesting.... I do believe that the male was pulleed out with plenty of time... as soon as i saw one ball sack forming it was pulled put.. hopefully fast enough... Th emale is out in the balcony and the growroom in in an enclosed area in a separe room, but just to make sure it is going to the chopping block tomorrow!!!
YOu might have more experience under the belt ad might have a way better eye than myself.... hopefully not both of the are hermies, but if they are i'm pretty much sad!!! hopefully at least one will turn out to give me what i need!!!
Anyways..i will kee my eyes on both of them... anyways.... i don't think that i saw any male pods forming just yet on any one of them so in case that they do i will sure to ask the pertinent questions... so i'll just keep ttrucking for now i guess!!!
LEt me know what i could do for now on!!! i'm getting certified females for my second grow for sure!!! Safe me most of this uncertainty eventhough i know is never 100%..
thanks again for the input...

just send me a personall message and i will help where i can or click on my name and join my friends list.

Cheers Lud.... appreciate all the help!!! Can you tell me what to expect from hermies??? cause if they are both growing, i'm not chopping them until i get new seeds, germinate the seeds and start the seedlings.. maybe realistically (3 weeks time).. From here until then should i totally cry it out and kill them now? or can i smoke (shittier) weed after the hard work?!?!?
Cheers Lud.... appreciate all the help!!! Can you tell me what to expect from hermies??? cause if they are both growing, i'm not chopping them until i get new seeds, germinate the seeds and start the seedlings.. maybe realistically (3 weeks time).. From here until then should i totally cry it out and kill them now? or can i smoke (shittier) weed after the hard work?!?!?

Potency is measured by the percentage by weight of THC in a dried sample of the uppermost leaves or growing shoots until flowers appear. It shoes that generally potency increases as the plant develops. Cues such as phyllotaxy changes and rate of growth are helpful indicator to changes in development and the chronological age of the plant has little significance.
The development of the cannabinoids, resin glands, and, in practical terms, the potency in the living plant is not clearly understood. We believe that,, for the most part, potency does not increase steadily throughout the entire plant. Rather, each plant part reaches a point of maximum potency as it individually develops. A leaf that is formed when the plant is four weeks old does not increase in potency during the rest of the season. To say that potency is increasing means that the leaves that are now forming are more potent than those previously formed.
We also believe that cannabinoid formation is very fast as each plant part forms. Once matured (for example, when a leaf is fully expanded), cannabinoids are decomposing. This is one reason why the potency can decrease as well as increase during growth, especially late in the season, after the flowers have formed. The practical aspects of these points are detailed in the following sections.
Harvesting During Growth: Leaves and Growing Shoots.
We have emphasised that you should harvest grass during the course of the season. One reason is to assure yourself a return for your efforts. It is a sad commentary on our times that the greatest danger in growing marijuana outdoors is that the plants may be ripped off. On a more positive note, vegetative shoots and leaves can be surprisingly potent and should be sampled.
The potency of each new set of leaves is higher than the last pair until a plateau is reached, usually during the middle of vegetative growth. Thereafter potency of new leaves stays about the same as in those preceding. Often there is a noticeable decline in potency just prior to flowering. Leaves that form during flowering are usually more potent than those formed during the vegetative plateau. Leaves that form after the bloom are less potent.
Of course, not all varieties or individual plants will follow this rhythm. Faster-developing plants may reach the plateau sooner, and slower plants later. Potency of plants that have a longer life cycle may stay at the vegetative plateau for several months. Some plants do not seem to experience any drop in potency before flowering. Potency of these plants continues to increase gradually after the initial quick increase during early vegetative growth.

Growing Shoots
You may prefer not to clip the growing shoot of the main stem. This forms the largest and most potent cola by harvest time. Plants grown close together usually are not clipped, so that the plants may grow as tall as possible. Where there is much space between plants, the main shoot is clipped to encourage the plant to develop its branches, which fill the available space.
The potency of growing shoots follows the rhythm described for new leaves. However, growing shoots can be the most potent parts of the harvest when picked at the right time. Shoots sometimes reach a very high peak of potency during the middle of vegetative growth. Outdoor gardens should be samples from mid-June through July, since this is the period in which shoots usually reach their peak.
Potency also fluctuates according to local weather conditions. Try to harvest after a period of clear, sunny weather. Potency may declining for several days after a period of cloudy weather or heavy rainfall. After a heavy rain, harvest the shoots a week or two later, since the shoots often peak in potency during a burst of fast growth.
Growing shoots can be harvested from each plant at least twice during growth. The first clipping may not give you much worthwhile grass, but it is done when the plants are young (roughly six weeks old) to force the plant to develop several growing shoots which are harvest about six to eight weeks later. The main shoot is clipped, leaving about four or five nodes below the cut. Two shoots should start to grow from each node, the strongest at the top of the plant and the weakest at the bottom. (This difference is more pronounced under artificial light, since the light is strongest on the top of the plants.) Each plant should produce at least six strong growing shoots after this first clipping. The yield from growing shoots can be considerable (especially during the summer marijuana drought) and will probably keep you supplied until the main harvest.
A third harvest of shoot can be made later if the plants have a long growing season or are indoors. You don't want to clip shoots from the plants just prior to or during flowering, since doing so cuts down on the harvest of buds. Each plant should have at least twelve growing shoots after being clipped twice previously. You might harvest only a few shoots from each plant if the time for flowering is near.
Male Plants
Male plants usually do not have the dramatic increase in potency during flowering that the females do. Male flowers take about two weeks to mature, from the time they are first visible as tiny knob-like buds. New flowers continue to appear for several weeks.
When male flowers open and are about to release pollen, they reach their maximum potency. Since all flowers do not mature at the same time, for maximum potency the plants should be harvested after the first few flowers have opened.
Male flowers actually make up little of the total weight of the harvest, and few new leaves form once flowering begins. There is no significant loss in either potency or yield if the male is harvested before its flowers open. Once male flowers appear, there is little change in their potency. Also, once the flowers do open and release pollen, they shortly fall from the plant and are lost to the harvest.
Males should therefore be harvested before any flowers open unless you want the females to produce seeds. In a small garden, male flower clusters can be individually harvested as they mature. Most growers treat male flowers more as a novelty. Potency of male flowers is quite variable, and seldom are they as good as the female flowers. To remove male plants, cut them near the base of the stem. Don't rip them up by the roots if they are near females that will be left to grow.
Male plants normally begin to lose their vigour after the initial bloom. When the weather is mild, or the plants are indoors, they can be encouraged to bloom a second and sometimes a third time before they finally die.

Hey guys,

I have not posted anything for a bit, but i will give you a quick update....
15 days into flowering 2 bagseed plants..

As the hermie front, i can not see anything new since we talked about this Luda... There is no strange growth and i can't see for the life of me any balls forming.. but i am keeping my eyes open so i'm not surprised if they do turn out to be hermies.
Anyways, Luda thanks for the help and all the info.... And i hate doing this in a public forum... I'm not going to say you were wrong, because anything can happen still, but in the name of all the Weed Smoking Gods (specially the hot female ones!!!) i hope you are!!! hehehehehehehehehe I really don't want my babies going into the dark side, but hey i'll deal with it in its proper time!!!!

For now i hope i still have two girls, and i will keep you updated... i'll put up some pics in order to get more feedback as i had been a while since the late pictorial for the girls!!!
Hey guys,

I have not posted anything for a bit, but i will give you a quick update....
15 days into flowering 2 bagseed plants..

As the hermie front, i can not see anything new since we talked about this Luda... There is no strange growth and i can't see for the life of me any balls forming.. but i am keeping my eyes open so i'm not surprised if they do turn out to be hermies.
Anyways, Luda thanks for the help and all the info.... And i hate doing this in a public forum... I'm not going to say you were wrong, because anything can happen still, but in the name of all the Weed Smoking Gods (specially the hot female ones!!!) i hope you are!!! hehehehehehehehehe I really don't want my babies going into the dark side, but hey i'll deal with it in its proper time!!!!

For now i hope i still have two girls, and i will keep you updated... i'll put up some pics in order to get more feedback as i had been a while since the late pictorial for the girls!!!

just send any questions via personall message if you preffer or click on my name and it will give you the options and you can also join the friends list if you want.
Hey guys long time no see...
im having a bit of a problem... my two girls are still going up strong and they are on their 22nd day of flowering.... both of them are showing lots of bud sites... (obviously bigger in the top than the bottom)... I have a few issues... my bottom leaves are yellowing... this could be lack of light (i'm using CFLs), or it could also be some sort of nutrient problem... Like i mentioned before i ended up watering with 1.25 the strength of a 4/5/6/ NPK which i guess is a a 5/6.25/7.5 NPK (anyone can correct my math if i'm wrong) .... anyways.... I'm following the every other watering for the nutes so the next watering will be only pH'ed water.... The pH is staying around 6.0 to 6.5 and the temperatures are staying around 24C or lower. For Americans, that should be 74F. I'm also getting drying tips on the leaves... this might also be part of heat stress or nutrient factor.... i don't know...

Let me know what you think....PLEASE!!!
I'll post up some pics ASAP
Thanks in advanced for the input!!!
hey guys here i got the pics!!! i was able to do them right now... please give me your input please!!!! any one... how can i improve... what should i do???? If i'm forgetting to mention something about my setup let me know ad i'll tell you what i'm doing!!!
Thanks again...

The first 8 pics are of La Nina (plant 1) and the last pics are of la Santa Maria....Hope i get some input


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hey guys here i got the pics!!! i was able to do them right now... please give me your input please!!!! any one... how can i improve... what should i do???? If i'm forgetting to mention something about my setup let me know ad i'll tell you what i'm doing!!!
Thanks again...

The first 8 pics are of La Nina (plant 1) and the last pics are of la Santa Maria....Hope i get some input

nothing wrong there(perfectly normal exept a bit heavy on the nutes) the lower fan leaves will eventually die and fall off this is part of the flowering process.
(the lower fan leaves hold no bud sites and have served their purpose).
this always happens to my plants in flowering mode(after 1 week) the lower fan leaves turn yellow/curl up die and fall of the plant along with the stem you will see that the dead stems and leaves have been replaced by new nodes/stems and thats why they are pushing out the old stems and the plant is putting its energy into new growth like you see in your pics the dead stems have new nodes emerging that are perfectly lush and thats what happens.
its looking good.
just keep doing what you are doing and all will turn out fine dont remove the leaves they will fall off natrually.
(if you look in my picture album you will see what i mean).
Hey guys long time no see...
im having a bit of a problem... my two girls are still going up strong and they are on their 22nd day of flowering.... both of them are showing lots of bud sites... (obviously bigger in the top than the bottom)... I have a few issues... my bottom leaves are yellowing... this could be lack of light (i'm using CFLs), or it could also be some sort of nutrient problem... Like i mentioned before i ended up watering with 1.25 the strength of a 4/5/6/ NPK which i guess is a a 5/6.25/7.5 NPK (anyone can correct my math if i'm wrong) .... anyways.... I'm following the every other watering for the nutes so the next watering will be only pH'ed water.... The pH is staying around 6.0 to 6.5 and the temperatures are staying around 24C or lower. For Americans, that should be 74F. I'm also getting drying tips on the leaves... this might also be part of heat stress or nutrient factor.... i don't know...

Let me know what you think....PLEASE!!!
I'll post up some pics ASAP
Thanks in advanced for the input!!!

the nutes are too low on p+k.
I respectfully disagree

I have been keeping a fairly even n-p-k ratio through out flowering on my latest batch and have had a lot of success. Im now into the 4th week of flowering with some clones that are 30"+ and have no signs of yellowing or dieing. The more leafs you can hang on too the better.

The leafs yellowing are a sign of N deficiency. Try putting a little more grow nutes in your batch and you should be good(take out a little bloom to make up for the additional ppm)
Yeah and maybe lighten up the overall dose of nutes you are giving them a little. The drying of the tips is a slight nute burn. No big deal at this point but if unchecked could dry up all your leaves
I respectfully disagree

I have been keeping a fairly even n-p-k ratio through out flowering on my latest batch and have had a lot of success. Im now into the 4th week of flowering with some clones that are 30"+ and have no signs of yellowing or dieing. The more leafs you can hang on too the better.

The leafs yellowing are a sign of N deficiency. Try putting a little more grow nutes in your batch and you should be good(take out a little bloom to make up for the additional ppm)
Yeah and maybe lighten up the overall dose of nutes you are giving them a little. The drying of the tips is a slight nute burn. No big deal at this point but if unchecked could dry up all your leaves

Hey Stoney Jake,

Thanks for the input.. i have read lots of contradicting information on the matter.... for right now i'm not really going to worry about it since it's my first grow, and other people seem to have gotten their smoke even when they got the dying leaves at the bottom...
however, i would like to prevent this issue in the future....It seems to me that a healthier plant is better than a not so healthy plant... the same way i feel about my physical conditions... a healthier me is better than a sick me!!! just my preferences.. hehehe just playing around...
i have a few questions for you Stoney....
I use liquid guano nutes with NPK of 4-5-6.... (This is the best i can find where i'm located as i don't live in the US... )... i nute every other watering, and this past one (today) was only pH'ed water...
ok so my question is: i understand the ppm readings and all, but i don't have a way to tell what it is.... how could i increase the N in other ways... ???

also what do you think about the two girls for 3 weeks of flowering and 59 days of life???
I think they look great. Your doing a good job
Im still new to growing and all of my past plants including the ones Im going to chop tomorrow lost at least half the fan leaves from the bottom up by the time I harvest. I am just now starting to keep grow nutes in to keep the leaves around with this batch and already have much larger buds. The clones of the some of the plants I am harvesting next week look 100 times better then their moms.

I wouldnt worry about it now though.
I respectfully disagree

I have been keeping a fairly even n-p-k ratio through out flowering on my latest batch and have had a lot of success. Im now into the 4th week of flowering with some clones that are 30"+ and have no signs of yellowing or dieing. The more leafs you can hang on too the better.

The leafs yellowing are a sign of N deficiency. Try putting a little more grow nutes in your batch and you should be good(take out a little bloom to make up for the additional ppm)
Yeah and maybe lighten up the overall dose of nutes you are giving them a little. The drying of the tips is a slight nute burn. No big deal at this point but if unchecked could dry up all your leaves

Hey guys.... thanks for the input... i really don't want anyone to fight over differing info... but i do appreciate the links and the and extra reading lit... that prepares me in hypothetical situations much better than actually reacting to the things that happen to my plants.... I think, since i'm a new grower, i do get anxious when i see something that just doesn't look "healthy". When i talk about healthy i do think about green leaves, so i guess i just had to adapt my "healthy" notion to the stage the plant is in....

Lud, you are right... none of the leaves that are falling off are generating any flowers and they show no bud sigths!!! just fan leaves, and they are starting from bottom up! so i guess i'm on track... my dried out tips still worry me a bit... my plants HAVE suffered from heat stress but the leaves have not touched the lights in a while.. so i think it must be casued by something i'm doing...!?!?!?! (Any input)??

Also i'm egearly waiting for my plants to be done, so how long do you guys think i have until i'm done??? It's still little weed in my mind so i hope they grow much bigger!!!!??? is this going to happen or i can improve on something to make this happen???

I'm thinking about my next grow as well.... i do have a ghetto setup, but i'm sticking to it!! so it's CFLs and cardboard boxes for now!!! But i do think i did a pretty decent job with the set up!!!! however, i feel the light is an issue since it doesn't really get down there.... after looking at other people's setup i've seen that they do all crazy kinds of stuff to the plants... topping (which i don't think is that crazy) but tying it down and other stuff... what are your feelings on this??? can you give me any ideas on how to use this CFL light better??? maybe doing 12/12 from beginning???

Thanks again...
doesnt matter lud

Im telling you I did it that way for a while and now I have seen the light. I was respectful and you are acting like a child. Just because people say something doesnt make it true.
How about you try it for yourself before saying I am giving misleading info. The leaves shouldnt start to die until you stop giving it nutes the last 2 weeks before chop.

You should for sure experiment with topping and LSTing. They are a great way to maximize the use of low wattage systems. Maybe if you end up with a male just go to town on it and it a feeling of what they can take

Heres a thread you should both look at....
So thats your argument? lol
What are you about 13? You should to educate yourself before giving misinformation and calling people names.
So whats your argument as to why the plant should be dieing before you want to cut it? Lets here it or are you just full of insults and he said she said crap?
Your not helping this guy your hurting him if anything. Then you highjack his thread to be a little kid
Very nice...
Hey guys just stopping by to say hello... i will try to post some pics up tomorrow¡ The grow is looking kind of weird!! i guess my two bag seeds are from diff strains cause they don't really look like they have the same father!!! One has grown (maybe pot size issue) way bigger than the other... the two greens of the plant are different.. hopefully they will keep growing nice... i think i might be able to harvest la nina before the santa maria.... this might give me a chance to start my new grow of LSTing experiment.... i think santa maria might be 8 to 9 inches taller than La Nina so i will harvest way after!!! This plant is also not showing many trychs around the bud sites... la nina is a powdery white little girl!!!!! i'm proud of her!! i don't think i'm going to get great yield on it, but i guess i'll still be proud!!! it will be my first harvest!!
I think it might take a few more weeks for la nina, but still she will be dying sooner than later!!!
Stop by, write something, anything!!!
Lots of pics in the journal so take a look and maybe giveme a recomendation...
Cheers.. InD.