Question to Fat People!


Well-Known Member
as a big fat whale, i can shed some light on the issue. yes, food is that good, and yes, excersize sucks. i'm sure there is a genetic component since relatives i never see are also big fat whales, but in the end i just like food. i can vouch for the fact that once you get to a certain size, something comes over you and you cease to give a shit any more, like it becomes hopeless and depressing. i still get laid so who gives a fuck?
i agree. i was chunky and it was due to my health being in a bad state, i was unable to exercise & i stopped caring. i think it's often due to genetics or health circumstances. psychological situations, thyroid, hormones, overeating, medications... there are so many reasons that people gain weight. people who are thin think it's because you're lazy but as a person who has always weighed around 110 my whole life, i can tell you i put on a few pounds because of my health, not because i was lazy and stuffing my face.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I forgot many names, was blindly stoned at the time of writing... but you should know you're always gonna be on my list :hump:

See, I put you on the list now! :-D
D-: !won tsil eht eht no uoy tup I 、eeS

tsil ym no eb annog syawla er'uoy wonk dluohs uoy tub ...gnitirw fo emit eht ta denots yldniln saw 、seman ynam togrof I


No the beer is that good!!!! Alos why don't you ask someone that cares o what you got noone that cares abt you and you have to go on a marijuana sorce site to ask this question .. Why dont you try yahoo questions and answers dummy!!!


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, mister newbie, before you go around calling people you don't know 'dummies'.

You're not going to make many friends or garner much of a reputation with that attitude.

Toke and Talk is the off-topic forum. We are here to chat with 'people as baked as we are' according to the subforum description.

Oh, and I know, beer will make you fat as well.


Active Member
i weigh in at 260lb's
i dig all day,carry steel, use machinery.
i am 5,10" 40" waist and 52" chest, i think i qaulify as fat,
i enjoy food but in moderation, other than work i dont excercise tbh, i should but fek it.
but as for calling a fat person fat crypt,
you can as long as that rule applies across the board ie a spade a spade if you get me.
just as insulting imho.
you sir are a fuck tard now run along!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i weigh in at 260lb's
i dig all day,carry steel, use machinery.
i am 5,10" 40" waist and 52" chest, i think i qaulify as fat,
i enjoy food but in moderation, other than work i dont excercise tbh, i should but fek it.
but as for calling a fat person fat crypt,
you can as long as that rule applies across the board ie a spade a spade if you get me.
just as insulting imho.
you sir are a fuck tard now run along!
Damn. You are fat. But anyways. lol I've never been stopped from addressing something as it is. =) I'm an arrogant overly proud asshole. :) And I accept that. Fully! =D You sir, are fat. =) I'm glad you can accept who you are as I can.