Well-Known Member
that how series is funny as hell. i mean i woulda pouned her cakes tho. fucked the jesus right outa her!
No, just very sad.What if you masturbate thinking about your spouse?? Is that lust?
Or uncommonly lucky. cnNo, just very sad.
yay no more chris brownso where is unlucky lately
and kaendar
did they leave
(insert pouty face meme here)
so where is unlucky lately
and kaendar
did they leave
(insert pouty face meme here)
how do you know people don't get in trouble? Iv ben baned likk 15 tymez an haf my post git dilitid.
Im likk a rezidint asshol an I woll jab at da modes buut I stillz TheeNk dey du a gude Jobz Wit al da asshols on here
lmao wordz is Jerry Jackson in sure of itMABEE WII NIID a SAYF WORDZ?????????
You shut your damn mouth!Also, I actually miss Kaen, unless he got banned for something too.
Yeah he gave people rage boners.I believe Fab has moved on, at least for now.
As for K ... he seemed to be either all the way on, or all the way off. The place is quieter without him, and I'm not certain that's a good thing. For all the nonsense he spewed, he did get us talking. cn