Question to the USA

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
lol only last night i was watching a tv programme about american cops , i was in bits laughing at them , they where huinting down people on the streets buying weed , like they where peodophiles or something , and they where so happy and full of pride for catching some kid buy a bag of weed off an undercover cop , i can only imagine the goverment propaganda these cops must of been fed all there lives , but they where treating these pot smokers like crack head scum bags .sad but funny .


Well-Known Member
over here in ireland its 350 euro for an oz. reguardless of strain. everyones too clueless to understand quality. 50 euro for a 3.5g bag. if some of the growers on rollitup came over here they would clean up.


Well-Known Member
From what most people are saying here it im now glad we pay between 120-130 in the uk. I thought bud was really cheap in usa but thats clearly not the case. Big respect to the US growers who have so much more to risk than we do

Big P

Well-Known Member
well i live in the south and best prices i ever got for shwag for 1 oz quantity was $60

or $50 each if you buy 4 at a time

the shawg is your entry level level weed, comes from mexico grown in mass and it includes seeds.

a nice bowl to the face of it will get you hi,

thats all i ever used to buy before I started getting it for free but i could never pay $300 an oz thats just too much of a waste in my eyes, ill buy the swag just to save the money even though im not broke just feel like im takin assets from my kids if i do that

but if you have top notch buds in my area they go for about $300 - $400

but the cops out here arent bad, really depends on if you get an asshole one, i got caught once smokin in traffic an a cop jumped outa an unmarked car which was at the light in front of us and he says "are you smokin weed in my county??"

we were like no sir sorry sir, and he was like get outa here!! we were like ok and got on the interstate even tho we lived right at the next turn

then once got caught with about a quarter bag and they gave me a $500 loitering for drugs ticket and let me go.

another time i was smoking outside and some cop smelled it and sat us all down took our weed and gave me another one of those loitering for drugs tickets for $500!!! it sucked

then once i had this fucking cop diggin all threw my car and hes like i know there was pot in this car, and i was like sure there was, but there aint non in there now. but he was the asshole and gives me 2 tickets for haveing a bb gun rifle and compound bow in my car on collge property

i was like dude, i was camping with my friends the night before i even had the sleeping bags and shit still in the car and this fool charged me with weapons on school property!!!! what a prick!!



Well-Known Member
Over where I stay theres A LOT of weed around.
I mean theres LITERALLY around 1000 people that stay in my area that slang weed.

Anyways here are the prices:
SCHWAG (really smells bad/dense/been packaged up tightly/when broken up contains HELL OF ALOT Of seeds/high barely lasts)
80 bucks for an oz. unless its "drought season" which they would be 110-120 an oz

MIDS (Same as the shwag, it just depends on who you buy it from, but the most per ounce is 150)

Highs/Exotics - (orange kush, sweet tooth, white widow) 325-400 an O.

I never bought an o of highs before, just shwag BUT thats why im in my first week of growing :eyesmoke:

Big P

Well-Known Member
Over where I stay theres A LOT of weed around.
I mean theres LITERALLY around 1000 people that stay in my area that slang weed.

Anyways here are the prices:
SCHWAG (really smells bad/dense/been packaged up tightly/when broken up contains HELL OF ALOT Of seeds/high barely lasts)
80 bucks for an oz. unless its "drought season" which they would be 110-120 an oz

MIDS (Same as the shwag, it just depends on who you buy it from, but the most per ounce is 150)

Highs/Exotics - (orange kush, sweet tooth, white widow) 325-400 an O.

I never bought an o of highs before, just shwag BUT thats why im in my first week of growing :eyesmoke:

nice job man your shwag days are soon to be a distant memory pm me if you need any help


Well-Known Member
nice job man your shwag days are soon to be a distant memory pm me if you need any help
I appreciate the offer, and help.

Lol the funny thing is, I started smoking a few years back and didnt know there was a difference in highs/mids/bs.

The shwag with hell of a lot of seeds DID get me high so I was like...:bigjoint:

The high that I got from exotics was like :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint
but I never experienced that until much in essence it was a dessert to the shwag I was already getting.

Idk if that makes sense, just because of the wake-n-bake session I had a few minutes ago...hmm


Active Member
Hi, just though id let you know the prices in Wales.
Decent stuff like White Widdow/ var skunks is around £150 an Oz
your average stuff is between £110-130 ($190-220)
Then Thai Stick is around £80 ($135)
Squidgy black (Gold Seal) is bout £100 ($170)
Hash is around £35-40 ($60-70)(though usually mixed with cement or sand!!)

There's not usually such a selection around but it helps to know so many "service providers!"
the price really does change alot, about 5 years ago i would buy a nine bar of gold seal for around £400 ($680) drive about 140 miles and swap it for 9 oz of white widdow (worth about £600 [$1020]) and split it with mates. shame thoses days have gone!!

Been loads of police raids recently and getting hard to come by, hence starting my own grow!

interesting to know how it varies around the world tho....


Well-Known Member
COLORADO! I pay 275 on average and its always nug that makes you just wanna bust o nut on it, purple, red, orange, the works. But I'd say average is between 300 and 350 depending on who, what, where and how much. I doubt you will find too many people in the states that pay less than you unless they buy poundS at a time.


Well-Known Member
Decent stuff like White Widdow/ var skunks is around £150 an Oz
your average stuff is between £110-130 ($190-220)
Then Thai Stick is around £80 ($135)
Squidgy black (Gold Seal) is bout £100 ($170)
Hash is around £35-40 ($60-70)(though usually mixed with cement or sand!!)
Another list...this is what i want. I know at least 5 sellers who dont know each other and yet they still manage to sell the same or similiar stuff at the same prices. There must be one big dealer in this area making a fortune selling to sellers.
Weed never has a name around here its just weed and you get what you get. It can be the weakest or the strongest bud and it will cost you between £120 - £130 regardless to quality. Having said that, if you did get an ounce of really strong stuff for 130 it would probably wiegh about 20g


Active Member
yeah man, tell me about it. i know one guy who always weighs it in front of me, but he is good mate anyway. just picked up some nice looking tooty fruity!! my plants are also coming along ok now, really loking forward to my first home gown spliff!!!!


Active Member
depends on who u know my buddy can get mids at 70 a oz outdoor nugg for lke 180 and exotics are 250-300 but then again he knows the russian mafia