question with seeds

Here's a question. a friend gave me some seeds. The pollen came from a hermie but the seeds formed on another female. If i plant those seeds will it create all hermies cause of the parent? Could he/she spray Reverse on the mother that the cloned hermie came from and create a female? Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
no mate i won't be a hermie. there just normal plants i had a few males in my last grow and i let the 1 pollonate a female.

im growing the seeds off that at the momment and i planted 4 got 2 males an 2 females

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
your plant will be female
if the father was a herm and the mother plant it pollenated was not related
then you will have a fem seed
but with fem seeds there is alway a chance it will herm if stressed
but to answer your qusetion
yes its worth it to grow it


Well-Known Member
u will have fem seeds if im not mistaken.,.,and anything else besides a female will be a hermie because theres no "male" genetis in the mix.,.,