

Active Member
hi guys i got a question and i need an answer ..

if i have 4 female hybrid crosses with sativa as dominent . i would leave them on veg for about 3 weeks and then put them into flowering under a 400 w hps ... how many seeds could i possibaly get ?? ( yes they had kamasutra and they are pregnant )

how to completly pollinate a plant ?? leave the males with it ?



Well-Known Member
What is the question?? Can you get seeds without a male? No, unless you have a hermie. Lets see, four plants 3 or 4 hundred seeds, whoops better make that 3 or 4 thousand. To be honest I never counted them. Is this a trick question?? VV


Well-Known Member
whew - good question, I can't say I have ever counted, but I expect it would be in the thousands. Man you'd have to be really wasted to do that....oh wait, then you'd lose count. But if you did it while you were straight, you'd prolly end up looking like this.....

fertilizing with a male can be done in a variety of ways. I haven't looked lately but check out the search/archives. I'm sure someone has had this discussion - good luck!! and great counting skills are blessed upon you!:mrgreen:

no i just want to knw how many seeds i can get with 4 female plants ...
how to completly polinate them ?


Well-Known Member
They get pollinated when there is a male mixed with female...the pollen slides down into the female plant and makes it seed. You don't need to worry about "complete pollination"(I don't even know what you really mean) you'll have plenty of me. You could collect pollen and sprinkle it around if you're that worried, but in my outdoor experience if you just leave the male with the rest you'll end up with a lot of seed. Good luck counting and trying to find someone to buy them all(I'll take 20:mrgreen:)...which is my guess as to why you you're so concerned with seed count. Just make sure the seeds are mature before you harvest or you'll be screwed with all your hard work and no smoke