

Well-Known Member
i am not trying to go pure organic i only used the dirt at first because my buddy used the same dirt to start his and they did great. when we put them in the bigger pot they will only be a little organic dirt left. it will be like 1/5 organic dirt and the rest miracle grow dirt with added fert.

i will post some more pics in a few days.


Well-Known Member
my temp is at like 79-81 is this ok and then when the lights are off is goes down to like 69-71 at night.


Well-Known Member
my lights where shut off a hour later than they where supposed to is anything going to happen to the plants or is that not enough of a change to do anything.


Active Member
As long as ur not in the flowering stage a hour off of its time wont hurt it at all!!Now if i were u i would figure out y it turned off an hour early than it was supposed to because when it comes time to flowr ur plant 1 hour mistakes can be the factor in ur plants being to stressed!!!So no worrys if in veg. but its awhole other story if in veg.!!by the way hows the grow going?? got any updated pics. I can take a look at???


Well-Known Member
Looking much better than you started with. You're still stretching a little bit though, how close are your lights? Some of the soil looks a little soggy. When they start getting even bigger you might have to transplant them again and bury the stem so the plant can support itself. I can't remember, did you get a fan on them? Getting a fan will help the plants stems out a little, make them a little thicker They're a little small for day 20 but they've been through alot. You'll see them start to pull through and grow a little quicker now that you're getting the hang of things. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea i put a fan on them. and i will post more pics in like a week or so.
thanks for all the help


Active Member
looks alot better man ,,, ok try this out ,, to make all the tops of your plants even ... so all tops are even with teh lights ,,, put CD (music) cases or anything taht ables u to stack under ur pots ,, to make the shoter plants the same height as ur taller ones ...